Parish Highlights
Parish Highlights
Parish Events 2012:
In March our Parish coordinated its Annual Spring Pysanky Festival and, after Pascha, conducted Pysanky Classes during two consecutive weeks. These classes have become a popular means of fellowship, introducing many newcomers to an ancient religious folk art.
In both May and October representatives from the OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) spoke on "Becoming Disciples as we Make Disciples." We were pleased to host Fr. David Rucker and Mr. Kenneth Kidd. Also in May, Fr. Basil assumed temporary responsibilities as Dean of the South Central Deanery for the Diocese of the South. The new position makes it necessary for him to be away from the parish on occasion, with substitute clergy filling in at St. Barbara's. Dean responsibilities will continue for Fr. Basil at least until a bishop is elected for the Diocese.
In June, Hieromonk Gerasim (Eliel) visited our community. Fr. Gerasim is a potential candidate for the Episcopacy for the Diocese of the South. He spoke enthusiastically about his approach to Church and Diocesan life, and answered questions from parishioners. In addition, October and November provided opportunity for a six week, "Beginning to Pray," series, geared toward adults and teens. The series used as a guide, Anthony Bloom's classic work on prayer.
In August members of St. Barbara's participated in the Annual TCU Church Fair in an attempt to make students aware of the presence of local Orthodox Churches.
Furthermore, during the year 2012 we Baptized and/or Chrismated 12 children and/or adults, averaging 90 people in attendance for each Sunday Liturgy. And finally, during the January 13 meeting, a computerized model of one possible finished site plan was on display. It included our current structure, but offered for additional consideration a gazebo and traditional Church building, both of which are contained on the original site plan.
Events in 2013, First Eight Months:
On Friday evening, February 22, from 6 to 9 pm, in response to a request by members of local Orthodox Churches, St. Barbara's will host an evening portion of the Festival of Orthodoxy. Several guest speakers will be in attendance addressing the topic: "Orthodox Christian Perspectives: Speaking to our Children and Grandchildren about God."
On March 15 & 16 the parish will hold its Annual Pysanky Festival, always a highly anticipated event. This will be followed by Pysanky Classes soon after Western Easter.
April 6 - 9 St. Barbara's will host Fr. Sergius Halvorsen from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary for the Parish's 1st Annual Archbishop Dmitri Memorial Lecture. A half day Deanery Clergy Meeting will also be held on Monday, April 8, with both Fr. Sergius and the DOS Chancellor, Fr. Marcus Burch. Basing his lecture on Archbishop Dmitri's continual inspiration, Fr. Sergius will speak on, "The Vulnerability of the Incarnation: God made Man."
In addition, during the summer months the Diocese will convene its Annual Assembly, with the important task of electing a new Diocesan Hierarch, and St. Barbara's will host a Summer Vacation Church School, as well as participate once again in TCU's Annual Church Fair.
Parish Finances:
To bring us closer to our financial goals 2013 Pledge Cards were distributed. These bright pink cards are available in the parish hall. A chart is also on display in the hall to keep us apprised of progress in this area. We would like each family and/or individual contributor to consider prayerfully a donation for the upcoming year, allowing for an increase in pledge amounts if possible. As we pay off our current loans the progress will bring us closer to our eventual goal of a traditional Orthodox Church building and more fellowship space.
Principles of Growth:
Recommitment for 2013:
In 2013, with the Pre-Lenten season just a month and a half away, let us recommit ourselves personally to these ideas.