January 2025 Announcements

Wedding Congratulations:

We are happy to announce the wedding of Dillon (Malachi) Smith and Shaila (Shy) Quiozon Reglos on January 19, 2025. The two will be united in Matrimony at St. Barbara’s on the 19th at 2 pm. “May God grant them a prosperous and peaceful life together, health, salvation and furtherance in all good things.”

Chili Cookoff, Sunday, January 26:

On Sunday, January 26, immediately after the Divine Liturgy, St. Barbara's will hold its Annual Chili and Cornbread Competition. A sheet is in the hall for contestants to sign-up. Prizes will be offered for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category. Anyone whose is not entering the competition is invited to bring the following sides for all to enjoy: corn chips, salsa, guacamole, shredded cheese, ice tea, sodas (no red sodas please) and desserts. You will not want to miss this popular event and local tradition. Please see Mrs. Lynn Powers our “Chili Contessa” for more details.

Chrismation February 1:

On Saturday, February 1 at 4:30 pm, we will receive into the Church by Chrismation, the servant of God, Brock (John) Wade. May the Lord grant him many blessed years!

General Parish Meeting, Sunday, February 2:

St. Barbara's will convene its Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, February 2, immediately following the festal Divine Liturgy for the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple. All Church members are invited to participate.

2025 Calendars:

The 2025 Orthodox Wall Calendars and Pocket Planners are now available at the Church for $5.00 each. These are going quickly, so you may want to get yours as soon as possible.

New Adult Series to Start:

On Wednesday night, January 15, we will begin a new series on prayer. The text used will be the modern classic: Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom. It is readily available online and is a valuable addition to any Orthodox library. Please see Fr. Basil with questions you may have.

December 2024 Announcements

Bishop Gerasim to Visit on December 15!!

We are pleased that His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Ft. Worth will be with us on Sunday, December 15. His visit will help mark St. Barbara’s 45th Anniversary. Since 1979 our parish has been a fixture in Southwest Ft. Worth. December 15 is during the Nativity Fast. It is the Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ, preparing the faithful for the feast of our Lord’s birth.

A special theme and Lenten menu are being planned, but a sign-up sheet will also be posted for suggested sides, desserts and beverages. Please mark your calendar for this special commemoration in the life of St. Barbara’s.

Fall Clothing Drive:

The Annual Fall Clothing Drive for the Ft. Worth Men’s Shelter has been a tremendous success and we are still collecting for the effort. Cold weather has arrived and is a great need for larger size NEW men’s T-Shirts, underwear and socks. Gently used sweaters and coats can also be received by the Shelter. Cash donations may be given through the Church, to be used to purchase – by parishioners – necessary items at nearby stores. Please see Carol and Bob Guarnieri for more information and look for the collection box in the parish hall. We thank Carol, Bob and everyone in advance for your generosity.

Special Services in December and early January:

December 4: Liturgy for Parish’s Patronal Feast, St. Barbara Day.

December 6: Liturgy for St. Nicholas Day.

December 15: Visit by BISHOP GERASIM. St. Barbara’s 45th Anniversary.

December 24: Royal Hours 9:00 am; Nativity Eve Service 5:00 pm.

December 25: Festal Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ, 10:00 am. (No Vespers on Wednesday)

December 27: Third Day of Christmas, Liturgy, 10:00 am.

January 1: Liturgy at 10:00 am for feasts of St. Basil, the Circumcision of Christ and the Civil New Year. (No Vespers on Wednesday)

January 3: Royal Hours for Theophany 10 am.

January 5: Sunday Liturgy, 10:00 am, Coffee Hour, then Vespers for Theophany at 1 pm with

Blessing of Water.

January 6: Theophany Liturgy, 10:00 am.