
Metropolitan Tikhon's Visit to Ft. Worth, TX

On Sunday, May 10, 2015 His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon traveled an hour west of Dallas to spend an evening with parishioners and friends of St. Barbara Orthodox Church in Ft. Worth, Texas.  His Beatitude's visit came at the end of a long weekend of hierarchical services and meetings at St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas.
Along with Metropolitan Tikhon, St. Barbara's was pleased to host the following OCA, Diocesan and Deanery clergy:  Archimandrite Gerasim (Eliel) DOS Diocesan Administrator;  Archpriest Marcus Burch (Diocesan Chancellor);  Archpriest Thomas Moore (Dean, Carolinas Deanery);  Archpriest John Anderson (St. Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX);  Archpriest Justin Frederick (St. Maximus Church, Denton, TX);  Priest Photius Avant (St. Sava Church, Plano/Allen, TX);  Priest David Bozeman (St. Nectarios Church, Waxahachie, TX);  Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak (St. Vladimir Seminary);  Deacon Gregory Norris (St. Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX); and Subdeacon Roman (Assistant to the Metropolitan).
The evening began at 5 pm with the Entrance of His Beatitude.  No liturgical services were scheduled that night.  Even so, the faithful who were gathered greeted the Metropolitan at the door in the customary manner, with a bouquet of flowers, bread and salt, and the Cross.   As the procession moved into the Church, the choir sang, "The Angel Cried..."  His Beatitude venerated the Altar and blessed those present.  The people responded with, "Eis Polla Eti Despota."  The clergy then retired into the Church library for a meeting.   The Metropolitan addressed priests and deacons as the new Diocesan Locum Tenens.  Time was allotted for OCA, Diocesan and Deanery related questions.
Immediately after the clergy gathering His Beatitude blessed the food at the main reception.  Approximately 115 people were present on a day when heavy storms had already been a strong factor in parts of the DFW Metroplex.  Visitors from neighboring Churches and missions were among the faithful gathered.
During the meal His Beatitude offered words of greeting and opened a Q & A with those present.   Several diverse questions were asked of the Metropolitan.  In the beginning, however, the group seemed hesitant to address His Beatitude, until one brave teenager asked for a description of a "typical day" in the life of a Metropolitan.  It was a perfect question to get things started.  From that point, the questions came easily.
Following a final prayer and blessing, many people went into the Church for photos with the Metropolitan.  Individual and family photos were taken, as well as group shots with clergy and children.  A particularly delightful moment was experienced when His Beatitude took time to explain the meaning of the bishop's walking staff to three very inquisitive children.   They seemed intensely fascinated as the Metropolitan revealed to them the secret of traveling with an Episcopal staff, by unscrewing and thus dividing it into three distinct sections.
The theme for the evening's banquet was, "A Texas Welcome."   The servers, kitchen crew, greeters and organizers indeed made everyone feel welcome.  The Western theme decorations, from cowboy boot toothpick holders, to the saddle, bluebonnet aprons and Lone Star floral arrangements, provided a most appropriate atmosphere within the hall.   The menu was quite diverse, yet unmistakably "Texas."  In spite of the weather, spirits were high:  it was Pascha all over again.
Following final farewells His Beatitude headed back to Dallas in the rain to prepare for an early morning flight.  The faithful of the DFW Metroplex wish to thank Metropolitan Tikhon and the many visiting clergy and laymen for a delightful weekend of prayer, business gatherings, and fellowship.
Unless otherwise noted, photos by St. Barbara's parishioners.

Welcome, Metropolitan Tikhon!

     Very soon the faithful of the DFW Metroplex will be honored with a visit by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and locum tenens of the Diocese of the South.  His Beatitude will be in Dallas and Ft. Worth from Friday, May 8 through Monday morning, May 11  Near the end of his stay the Metropolitan will visit St. Barbara's in Ft. Worth from approximately 5 pm to 9 pm, Sunday night, May 10 No service is scheduled for that evening.  However, His Beatitude will gather with Deanery clergy from 5 to 6 pm at our parish.  A reception and "meet and greet" with the faithful of St. Barbara's and other local Churches will follow at approximately 6:15 pm.
     The theme for the May 10 reception will be "A Texas Welcome" with barbeque as the main course being provided.  We are in need, however, of thematic accompaniments and desserts  from our parishioners, as well as other meats.  A sign-up sheet is located in the hall to indicate what people might bring.  Everyone's help will be appreciated with food preparations, serving, greeting and clean up afterwards.   Please contact Matushka Christine, Zach and Tiera Lueth, Tracie DeBolt or Fr. Basil with questions or for more information.  Those people bringing food please arrive early so that food can be placed in decorative dishes and situated on the appropriate tables.      
     The visit of His Beatitude to St. Barbara's is a historic occasion for our community, so please mark your calendars for this important event.  A more detailed  itinerary of the Metropolitan's visit follows.
     Although Liturgy will be celebrated as usual at St. Barbara's on Sunday, May 10, we encourage our parishioners to worship at St. Seraphim's that weekend on both Saturday and Sunday, particularly for the two Hierarchical Liturgies and Ordination.   On Sunday, May 3,  I will meet with the youth of our parish during the Fellowship Hour to discuss the importance of the Metropolitan's visit.  Parents and interested adults are welcome to join us if they like, as we speak about specifics regarding the visit of an Orthodox Hierarch.   In addition people are encouraged to help prepare for the Metropolitan's visit by joining us on Saturday morning, May 9, at 10:30 am, for a thorough cleaning of the Church and hall.
Friday, May 8  (at St. Seraphim Cathedral):
Morning and afternoon meetings of Diocesan Deans with His Beatitude, as well as with Archpriest John Jillions and Melanie Ringa.  Vespers will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 6 pm, followed by a Dean's Dinner with the Metropolitan starting at 7:30 pm.
Saturday May 9 (at St. Seraphim Cathedral):
9:15 am Greeting of Metropolitan at the Cathedral
9:30 am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Diaconal Ordination (Church Cleaning at St. Barbara's at 10:30 am.)
Festal Lunch with Metropolitan
Great Vespers 5:00 PM
Dinner to follow
Sunday Morning, May 10  (at St. Seraphim Cathedral):
9:15 am  Greeting of the Metropolitan at the Cathedral
9:30 Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Coffee Hour
Meeting of the faithful with the Metropolitan
Lunch with Metropolitan
Sunday Evening, May 10  (at St. Barbara's in Ft. Worth):
Dallas Deanery Clergy Dinner with Metropolitan 5:00 pm in Ft Worth.
Texas reception and "meet and greet" to follow at approximately 6 pm.

Pascha (Easter) 2015

Paschal (Resurrection) Season: 2015

Fr. Basil Zebrun


Introduction and Bright Week:

The week following Pascha (Easter), is called Bright Week, by the Church. Pascha is celebrated this year by the Orthodox Church on April 12, one week later than Christians of the Western Tradition.  As Holy Week was a final time of anticipation and preparation for “the Feast of Feasts,” so Bright Week is a period of unique Resurrection joy, manifested outwardly in diverse ways.  For instance, during Bright Week there is no fasting at all from various types of food;  all liturgical hymns, ideally, are to be sung rather than read; and the Church remains highly decorated, with the royal doors and deacon’s doors of the iconostasis left open as they were during the Midnight Service.  This latter practice emphasizes visually that the gates of God’s Kingdom have been open to man through the Cross, Tomb and Resurrection of Christ.  Services during Bright Week are celebrated in a particularly glorious manner, identical to that experienced during the Midnight Service and Resurrection Vespers on Pascha Sunday.  The traditional announcement, “Christ is Risen,” is sung repeatedly by the Church choir, and people greet one another with this same message of hope.

While Bright Week is a time of profound, perhaps uncommon celebration, the Resurrection season is not limited to one week.  For forty days, until Ascension (this year May 21), the faithful recall in songs and greetings the joyous news that ‘Christ has trampled down death by death, bestowing life upon those in the tombs.’  Clergy and altar servers continue to wear their brightest vestments, and everyone stands (rather than kneels) in prayer, both at home and in Church.  The practice of standing in prayer during the Paschal Season serves to stress our belief that in Christ we are already resurrected beings, residents on earth yet citizens of Heaven. The faithful continue this practice until Pentecost (this year May 31), when after Liturgy for the first time since Holy Week we kneel in prayer during three special prayers that are read from the ambo by the clergy.

The five Sundays following Pascha emphasize, through the appointed Scripture readings and hymns, (1.) post-resurrection appearances of Christ; (2.) the Church’s early life and missionary endeavors (epistle readings are taken from the Book of Acts); and (3.) aspects of baptism, through which we ourselves have died and risen with Christ to a new life in God (Gospel readings are taken from the most “sacramental” of Gospel accounts, that of John the Theologian or Evangelist).  Fr. Thomas Hopko (of blessed memory) in his Orthodox Faith Handbook Series, Volume II, provides a summary of the meaning of the five Sundays of Pascha.  The following contains quotes and paraphrases from that summary.


Thomas  Sunday  (April 19):

On the Sunday following Pascha, called in our liturgical books “the Second Sunday,” the stress is on the Apostle Thomas’ vision of Christ.  The significance of the day comes to us in the words of the Gospel:  “Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands;  and put out your hand, and place it in My side;  do not be faithless, but believing.” Thomas answered Him,

“My Lord and My God!”  Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen

Me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”  (John 20:27-29). In this last statement Christ refers to all those who will come after the Apostles and become disciples through their words. This includes Christians of every century, including our own.  We have not seen Christ with our physical eyes, nor touched His risen body with our physical hands, yet in the Holy Spirit we have seen and touched and tasted the Word of Life (1 John 1:1-4), and so we believe.  In the early Church it was only on this day that those baptized at Pascha removed their (baptismal) robes and entered once again into the life of this world.


The  Myrrhbearing  Women  (April 26):

The Third Sunday after Pascha is dedicated to the Myrrhbearing Women who cared for the body of the Savior at His death and who were the first witnesses of His Resurrection.  The three troparia of Holy Friday, (having to do with the Noble Joseph of Arimethea anointing and burying the Body of Jesus;  Christ’s descent into hell and its defeat;  and the angel’s proclamation to the myrrhbearing women of Christ’s resurrection) are sung once again and form the theme of the day:

"The noble Joseph, when he had taken down Thy most pure body from the Tree, wrapped it in fine linen and anointed it with spices, and placed it in a new tomb."

"When Thou didst descend to death, O Life Immortal, Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead."

"The angel came to the myrrhbearing women at the tomb and said: Myrrh is fitting for the dead, but Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption! So proclaim: The Lord is risen, granting the world great mercy."


The  Paralytic  (May 3):

The Fourth Sunday is dedicated to Christ’s healing of the Paralytic (John 5).  The man is healed by Christ while waiting to be put down into the pool of water.  Through baptism in the church we too are healed and saved by Christ for eternal life.  Thus, in the church, we are told, together with the paralytic, to “sin no more that nothing worse befall you” (John 5:14).  Our Lord’s question to the man, “Do you want to be healed?” is directed to us as well, reminding us that the gift of life and illumination through the Resurrection brings with it responsibilities.  It must be nurtured and shared with others.


The  Feast  of  Mid-Pentecost:

In the middle of the Fourth Week, there is a day which is called by the Church, the Feast of Mid-Pentecost (this year May 6).  On this day we recall that Christ, “in the middle of the feast” teaches men of His saving mission and offers to all “the waters of immortality” (John 7:14).  Again we are reminded of the Master’s presence and His saving promise:  “If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37).


The  Samaritan  Woman  (May 10):

The Fifth Sunday after Pascha deals with the Woman of Samaria with whom Christ spoke at Jacob’s Well (John 4).  Again the theme is the “living water” and the recognition of Jesus as God’s Messiah (John 4: 10-11; 25-26).  We are reminded of our new life in Him, of our own drinking of the “living water,” of our own true worship of God in the Christian Messianic Age “in Spirit and in Truth” (John 4: 23-24).  We see as well that salvation is offered to all:  Jews and Gentiles, men and women, saints and sinners.


The  Blind  Man  (May 17):

Finally, the Sixth Sunday commemorates the healing of the man blind from birth (John 9).  We are identified with that man who came to see and to believe in Jesus as the Son of God.  The Lord has anointed our eyes with His own divine hands and washed them with the waters of baptism (John 9: 6-11).  In Christ we are given the power to see and confess Him as God’s only-begotten Son, and we are given the ability to comprehend clearly and with love, our own lives, the lives of others and the world around us.


Ascension, Pentecost and All Saints Sunday:

The Paschal Season ends with the great feast of Ascension (again, this year May 21) on which believers celebrate the Lord’s ascent in order to be glorified with God the Father and to glorify us with Himself.  He goes in order to “prepare a place” for us, and to take us into the blessedness of God’s presence.  He goes to open the way for all flesh into the “heavenly sanctuary...the Holy Place not made by hands” (See Hebrews 8-10).  Furthermore, Christ ascends in order to send the Holy Spirit (an event celebrated on Pentecost) who proceeds from the Father, to bear witness to Him (Christ) and His Gospel in the world, by making Him (Christ) powerfully present in the lives of His disciples.

On Pentecost (May 31) the Church celebrates the final act of God’s self-revelation and self-donation to the world.  God’s plan of salvation – starting with and including the formation of His chosen people, Israel;  the sending of the prophets;  the birth of Christ; His teachings, miracles, sufferings, death, burial and resurrection – all of this culminates with the giving of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and the birth of the New Israel, the Church of God, the life of which is the continued presence of the Spirit in our midst.

The Sunday after Pentecost, that of All Saints  (June7), reveals the power of the Holy Spirit in this world, the reason that He was given.  The Saints are those who, without a doubt, have been saved and transformed by the Spirit’s presence, a fate open to all who believe. And then finally, on June 14, we commemorate All Saints of America, as a logical follow up to the previous Sunday.  This celebration affirms God’s presence and activity amongst His disciples in North America, placing before us local and contemporary examples of sanctity.

Thus a journey which began for us way back on January 25 with the Sunday of Zacchaeus will end on June 14.  But the journey was taken for a reason.  The seasons of fasting and celebration that we have experienced are to lead us to a deeper faith in Christ as Savior.  They are to instill within us a stronger commitment to our own mission, to be Christ’s witnesses “to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

(Some of the above information taken from Fr. Thomas Hopko’s, The Orthodox Faith, Volume 2, Worship, published by the O.C.A.’s Department of Christian Education)

Holy Week 2015

Orthodox Holy Week 2015

St. Barbara Orthodox Christian Church

(April 4 – April 12)

Fr. Basil Zebrun

On Saturday, April 4, Orthodox Christians will begin observing the most solemn of Days leading up to the celebration of Pascha on April 12:  Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Holy Week.  These nine days are specifically set aside –  consecrated – by the Church to commemorate the final and decisive events in the Lord’s earthly life.  Traditionally, during this time, Christians make an effort to “lay aside all earthly cares,” in order to devote themselves to contemplating the central Mysteries of the Faith:  the Cross, the Tomb and the Resurrection of Christ.  So significant is this period that some have stressed that during Holy Week “time seems to stand still or earthly life ceases for the faithful, as they go up with the Lord to Jerusalem” (Fr. Thomas Hopko).  May we all look upon the days ahead as sacred, dedicated to our Lord.

Lazarus  Saturday  &  Palm  Sunday  (April  4 & 5):  These two days form a double feast, anticipating the joy of Pascha.  At the grave of His friend Lazarus, Christ encounters “the last enemy,” death (1 Cor. 15:26).  By raising Lazarus, Christ foreshadows His own decisive victory over death, and the universal resurrection granted to all mankind. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “riding on the colt of an ass,” in fulfillment of a prophecy from Zechariah (9:9).   On this occasion our Lord allows the people to greet Him as a Ruler, the only time during His earthly ministry when this occurs.  Christ is indeed the King of Israel, but He comes to reveal and open to mankind His Heavenly Kingdom.  We hold branches of palms and pussy willows of our own on Palm Sunday, greeting Christ as the Lord and Master of our lives.

Liturgical services for these two days will be celebrated on Saturday morning at 10:00 am, Saturday evening at 6:30 pm, and Sunday morning at 10:00 am.  Palms will be blessed on Saturday night, the eve of Palm Sunday.

Great  &  Holy  Monday,  Tuesday  &  Wednesday  (April  6 – April 8): Having just experienced a foretaste of Pascha we now enter the darkness of Holy Week.  The first three days stress the End Times, the Judgment, and the continual need for vigilance.  They point to the fact that when the world condemned its Maker, it condemned itself, “Now is the judgment of this world” (John 12:31).  They remind us that the world’s rejection of Christ reflects our own rejection of Him, inasmuch as we sin and accept the worldview of those who shouted, “Away with Him, crucify Him!”  Central to the services for these days are the Gospel readings, and the hymns which comment on these lessons.  Among the chief hymns are the Exapostilarion, “Thy Bridal Chamber, I see adorned….,” and the following troparion sung during Matins as the Church is being censed:  “Behold!  The Bridegroom comes at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching:  and again, unworthy is the servant whom He shall find heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul, do not be weighed down with sleep, lest you be given up to death, and lest you be shut out of the Kingdom.  But rouse yourself, crying: “Holy! Holy! Holy! art Thou, O our God.  Through the Theotokos, have mercy on us!”  (Troparion)

Liturgical services for these three days will be celebrated at 7:00 pm.

Great  &  Holy  Thursday  (April 9):   During the Matins Service or the Service of the 12 Passion Gospels on Holy Thursday night we “accompany Christ, step by step, from the time of His last discourse with His disciples to His being laid in a new tomb by Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus.  Each of the 12 Gospel sections read during the evening service involves us in a new scene:  the arrest of Jesus; His trial; the threefold denial of St. Peter; the scourging and the mockings by the soldiers; the carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion; the opposing fates of the two thieves; the loving tenderness of the moment when Jesus commits His Mother to the care of His faithful disciple, John;  and the Lord’s final yielding up of the spirit and burial” (Fr. Paul Lazor). The liturgical hymnography for that night comments on the Gospel readings and gives the response of the Church to these events in the life of Christ.  During this service the faithful hold lit candles during the Gospel lessons while kneeling, and in large parishes Church bells are rung before each reading: once for the first reading, twice for the second, and so on.

The Matins Service at St. Barbara’s on Holy Thursday will be at 7:00 pm.  

Great  &  Holy  Friday  (April 10):  On the one hand, this is the most solemn of days, the day of Christ’s Passion, His Death and Burial.  On this day the Church invites us, as we kneel before the tomb of Christ, to realize the awful reality and power of sin and evil in “this world,” and in our own lives as well.   It is this power that led ultimately to “the sin of all sins, the crime of all crimes” the total rejection and murder of God Himself (Fr. Alexander Schmemann).

On the other hand, the Church affirms that this day of evil is also the day of redemption.  “The death of Christ is revealed to us as a saving death, an offering of love” (Fr. Alexander Schmemann).  Holy Friday is the beginning of the Lord’s Pascha, for the One Who is raised, is the One Who is crucified for us and for our salvation.  “By death Christ tramples down death…”  Thus the tomb of Christ, placed in the center of the Church, is lavishly adorned with flowers, for from the tomb comes life.

Liturgical services for Holy Friday will take place at 2:00 pm and at 7:00 pm .

The afternoon service is often referred to as “Burial Vespers.”  During its celebration the final events in the life of Christ are brought to mind through the scripture readings and the hymnography.  At the conclusion of Vespers the faithful kneel and the choir sings, in a very slow manner, the troparia for the day which speak of Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus burying the Body of Jesus;  and the angel’s announcement to the Myrrhbearing Women that, “Myrrh is fitting for the dead, but Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption.”   As these words are heard the clergy and servers make a procession around the tomb with the “winding sheet” on which is an icon of the crucified Lord. This winding sheet is placed on top of the tomb and venerated by the faithful.

On Friday night a Matins service is celebrated during which the people sing hymns and lamentations in front of Christ’s tomb.  We hear about how, “hell trembles while Life lies in the tomb, giving life to those who lie dead in the tombs.”  We also begin to hear announcements and foreshadowings of the Resurrection in both the scripture readings and hymns.  In fact, the Alleluia verses chanted after the Epistle reading are the same Resurrectional verses from Psalm 68 chanted by the clergy on Pascha night:  “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, let those who hate Him flee from before His face..” (etc.)

Great  &  Holy  Saturday  (April 11):   On the morning of this day, at 9:00 am, we will celebrate the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil.  This service “inaugurates the Paschal celebration…  On ‘Lord I Call Upon Thee’ certain Sunday Resurrection hymns are sung, followed by special verses for Holy Saturday which stress the Death of Christ as the descent into Hades, the region of death, for its destruction.

"A pivotal point of the service occurs after the Entrance, when fifteen Old Testament lessons are read, all centered on the promise of the Resurrection, all glorifying the ultimate Victory of God…The epistle lesson is that which is read at Baptisms (Romans 6:3-11), referring to Christ’s Death and Resurrection as the source of the death in us of the “old man,” and the resurrection of the new man, whose life is in the Risen Lord  (Here we must remember that Pascha has always been the most traditional time for Baptisms of catechumens).  During the verses immediately after the epistle reading the dark Lenten vestments and altar coverings are put aside and the clergy vest in their brightest robes.  An announcement of the Resurrection is then read from the last chapter of St. Matthew”s Gospel.   The Liturgy of St. Basil continues in this white and joyful light, revealing the Tomb of Christ as the Life-giving Tomb, introducing us into the ultimate reality of Christ’s Resurrection, communicating His life to us…”  (Fr. Schmemann).

It should be noted that on Great and Holy Saturday every major act of the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil takes place in front of the Tomb, or processes around it:  the Small Entrance; the 15 Old Testament readings;  the Epistle and Gospel readings;  the Great Entrance;  the distribution of Holy Communion;  and the final dismissal prayer.

Pascha  (April 12):  The Main Resurrection service will begin at 11:30 pm on Saturday night (We ask that everyone try to arrive at least 15 minutes early, those with food even earlier, so that we can begin the service promptly with all lights out in the Church).  This particular service is actually comprised of three services, celebrated together, one after another:  Nocturnes, Matins and the Divine Liturgy.  The entire round of services ends around 2:30 am on Sunday morning and is followed by the blessing of Pascha baskets and the Agape Meal, at which we enjoy fellowship and partake of many non-lenten foods.

Special features of the Midnight Service include:  Nocturnes (11:30 pm to 12:00 midnight) celebrated in total darkness with only one light for the choir, followed by a triple procession around the outside of the Church, a Resurrection Gospel reading and the first announcement of, “Christ is Risen!”  The Paschal Matins then begins during which the Church is brightly lit and the faithful sing of Christ’s Resurrection in a very joyous manner. Near the end of Matins the Paschal Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom is read.  During the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom the Gospel from the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel is chanted in several languages, symbolic of the universal character of the Christian Faith.  Immediately after the service food for the Agape Meal is blessed, as well as Pascha (Easter) baskets full of non-fasting foods.

On Sunday afternoon, April 12, at 12:00 noon, we return to the Church to celebrate Resurrection Vespers during which we hear a Gospel reading and more hymns of Christ’s Resurrection.  A continuation of the Agape Meal will be enjoyed after Vespers.

Bright  Week  (April 13 – April 18): The week immediately after Pascha is an extended celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection.  Although we enjoy a 40 day Paschal season, the services of Bright Week are uniquely joyous, reflecting the specific tone and spirit of Pascha night.  Divine Liturgies and Vespers celebrated during this time are very similar to those of April 12.  There is, as well, no fasting during Bright Week.  We look forward to celebrating Pascha with all of our Church members and friends.  Once again, we encourage everyone to set aside the days ahead as sacred, dedicated to our Lord.

Christ is Risen!   Indeed He is Risen!

Holy Week 2014

Holy Week 2014

April 12 – April 20

Fr. Basil Zebrun

On Saturday, April 12, Orthodox Christians will begin observing the most solemn of Days leading up to the celebration of Pascha on April 20:  Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Holy Week.  These nine days are specifically set aside –  consecrated – by the Church to commemorate the final and decisive events in the Lord’s earthly life.  Traditionally, during this time, Christians make an effort to “lay aside all earthly cares,” in order to devote themselves to contemplating the central Mysteries of the Faith:  the Cross, the Tomb and the Resurrection of Christ.  So significant is this period that some have stressed that during Holy Week “time seems to stand still or earthly life ceases for the faithful, as they go up with the Lord to Jerusalem” (Fr. Thomas Hopko).  May we all look upon the days ahead as sacred, dedicated to our Lord.

Lazarus  Saturday  &  Palm  Sunday  (April  12 & 13): 

These two days form a double feast, anticipating the joy of Pascha.  At the grave of His friend Lazarus, Christ encounters “the last enemy,” death (1 Cor. 15:26).  By raising Lazarus, Christ foreshadows His own decisive victory over death, and the universal resurrection granted to all mankind. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “riding on the colt of an ass,” in fulfillment of a prophecy from Zechariah (9:9).   On this occasion our Lord allows the people to greet Him as a Ruler, the only time during His earthly ministry when this occurs.  Christ is indeed the King of Israel, but He comes to reveal and open to mankind His Heavenly Kingdom.  We hold branches of palms and pussy willows of our own on Palm Sunday, greeting Christ as the Lord and Master of our lives.
     Liturgical services for these two days will be celebrated on Saturday morning at 10:00 am, Saturday evening at 6:30 pm, and Sunday morning at 10:00 am.  Palms will be blessed on Saturday night, the eve of Palm Sunday.

Great  &  Holy  Monday,  Tuesday  &  Wednesday  (April  14 – April 16):

     Having just experienced a foretaste of Pascha we now enter the darkness of Holy Week.  The first three days stress the End Times, the Judgment, and the continual need for vigilance.  They point to the fact that when the world condemned its Maker, it condemned itself, “Now is the judgment of this world” (John 12:31).  They remind us that the world’s rejection of Christ reflects our own rejection of Him, inasmuch as we sin and accept the worldview of those who shouted, “Away with Him, crucify Him!”  Central to the services for these days are the Gospel readings, and the hymns which comment on these lessons.  Among the chief hymns are the Exapostilarion, “Thy Bridal Chamber, I see adorned….,” and the following troparion sung during Matins as the Church is being censed:  “Behold!  The Bridegroom comes at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching:  and again, unworthy is the servant whom He shall find heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul, do not be weighed down with sleep, lest you be given up to death, and lest you be shut out of the Kingdom.  But rouse yourself, crying: “Holy! Holy! Holy! art Thou, O our God.  Through the Theotokos, have mercy on us!”  (Troparion)
     Liturgical services for these three days will be celebrated at 7:00 pm.

Great  &  Holy  Thursday  (April 17):   During the Matins Service or the Service of the 12 Passion Gospels on Holy Thursday night we “accompany Christ, step by step, from the time of His last discourse with His disciples to His being laid in a new tomb by Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus.  Each of the 12 Gospel sections read during the evening service involves us in a new scene:  the arrest of Jesus; His trial; the threefold denial of St. Peter; the scourging and the mockings by the soldiers; the carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion; the opposing fates of the two thieves; the loving tenderness of the moment when Jesus commits His Mother to the care of His faithful disciple, John;  and the Lord’s final yielding up of the spirit and burial” (Fr. Paul Lazor). The liturgical hymnography for that night comments on the Gospel readings and gives the response of the Church to these events in the life of Christ.  During this service the faithful hold lit candles during the Gospel lessons while kneeling, and in large parishes Church bells are rung before each reading: once for the first reading, twice for the second, and so on.
     The Matins Service at St. Barbara’s on Holy Thursday will be at 7:00 pm.

Great  &  Holy  Friday  (April 18):  On the one hand, this is the most solemn of days, the day of Christ’s Passion, His Death and Burial.  On this day the Church invites us, as we kneel before the tomb of Christ, to realize the awful reality and power of sin and evil in “this world,” and in our own lives as well.   It is this power that led ultimately to “the sin of all sins, the crime of all crimes” the total rejection and murder of God Himself (Fr. Alexander Schmemann).
     On the other hand, the Church affirms that this day of evil is also the day of redemption.  “The death of Christ is revealed to us as a saving death, an offering of love” (Fr. Alexander Schmemann).  Holy Friday is the beginning of the Lord’s Pascha, for the One Who is raised, is the One Who is crucified for us and for our salvation.  “By death Christ tramples down death…”  Thus the tomb of Christ, placed in the center of the Church, is lavishly adorned with flowers, for from the tomb comes life.
     Liturgical services for Holy Friday will take place at 2:00 pm and at 7:00 pm .

     The afternoon service is often referred to as “Burial Vespers.”  During its celebration the final events in the life of Christ are brought to mind through the scripture readings and the hymnography.  At the conclusion of Vespers the faithful kneel and the choir sings, in a very slow manner, the troparia for the day which speak of Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus burying the Body of Jesus;  and the angel’s announcement to the Myrrhbearing Women that, “Myrrh is fitting for the dead, but Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption.”   As these words are heard the clergy and servers make a procession around the tomb with the “winding sheet” on which is an icon of the crucified Lord. This winding sheet is placed on top of the tomb and venerated by the faithful.
     On Friday night a Matins service is celebrated during which the people sing hymns and lamentations in front of Christ’s tomb.  We hear about how, “hell trembles while Life lies in the tomb, giving life to those who lie dead in the tombs.”  We also begin to hear announcements and foreshadowings of the Resurrection in both the scripture readings and hymns.  In fact, the Alleluia verses chanted after the Epistle reading are the same Resurrectional verses from Psalm 68 chanted by the clergy on Pascha night:  “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, let those who hate Him flee from before His face..” (etc.)

Great  &  Holy  Saturday  (April 19):  

On the morning of this day, at 9:00 am, we will celebrate the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil.  This service “inaugurates the Paschal celebration…  On ‘Lord I Call Upon Thee’ certain Sunday Resurrection hymns are sung, followed by special verses for Holy Saturday which stress the Death of Christ as the descent into Hades, the region of death, for its destruction.
     A pivotal point of the service occurs after the Entrance, when fifteen Old Testament lessons are read, all centered on the promise of the Resurrection, all glorifying the ultimate Victory of God…The epistle lesson is that which is read at Baptisms (Romans 6:3-11), referring to Christ’s Death and Resurrection as the source of the death in us of the “old man,” and the resurrection of the new man, whose life is in the Risen Lord  (Here we must remember that Pascha has always been the most traditional time for Baptisms of catechumens).  During the verses immediately after the epistle reading the dark Lenten vestments and altar coverings are put aside and the clergy vest in their brightest robes.  An announcement of the Resurrection is then read from the last chapter of St. Matthew”s Gospel.   The Liturgy of St. Basil continues in this white and joyful light, revealing the Tomb of Christ as the Life-giving Tomb, introducing us into the ultimate reality of Christ’s Resurrection, communicating His life to us…”  (Fr. Schmemann).
     It should be noted that on Great and Holy Saturday every major act of the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil takes place in front of the Tomb, or processes around it:  the Small Entrance; the 15 Old Testament readings;  the Epistle and Gospel readings;  the Great Entrance;  the distribution of Holy Communion;  and the final dismissal prayer.

Pascha  (April 20): 

     The Main Resurrection service will begin at 11:30 pm on Saturday night (We ask that everyone try to arrive at least 15 minutes early, those with food even earlier, so that we can begin the service promptly with all lights out in the Church).  This particular service is actually comprised of three services, celebrated together, one after another:  Nocturnes, Matins and the Divine Liturgy.  The entire service ends around 2:30 am on Sunday morning and is followed by the blessing of Pascha baskets and the Agape Meal, at which we enjoy fellowship and partake of many non-lenten foods.
     Special features of the Midnight Service include:  Nocturnes (11:30 pm to 12:00 midnight) celebrated in total darkness with only one light for the choir, followed by a triple procession around the outside of the Church, a Resurrection Gospel reading and the first announcement of, “Christ is Risen!”  The Paschal Matins then begins during which the Church is brightly lit and the faithful sing of Christ’s Resurrection in a very joyous manner. Near the end of Matins the Paschal Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom is read.  During the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom the Gospel from the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel is chanted in several languages, symbolic of the universal character of the Christian Faith.  Immediately after the service food for the Agape Meal is blessed, as well as Pascha (Easter) baskets full of non-fasting foods.
     On Sunday afternoon, April 20, at 12:00 noon, we return to the Church to celebrate Resurrection Vespers during which we hear a Gospel reading and more hymns of Christ’s Resurrection.  A continuation of the Agape Meal will be enjoyed after Vespers.

Bright  Week  (April 21 – April 27):

The week immediately after Pascha is an extended celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection.  Although we enjoy a 40 day Paschal season, the services of Bright Week are uniquely joyous, reflecting the specific tone and spirit of Pascha night.  Divine Liturgies and Vespers celebrated during this time are very similar to those of April 20.  There is, as well, no fasting during Bright Week.  We look forward to celebrating Pascha with all of our Church members and friends.  Once again, we encourage everyone to set aside the days ahead as sacred, dedicated to our Lord.

Christ is Risen!   Indeed He is Risen!

Paschal (Resurrection) Season: 2014

Paschal (Resurrection) Season: 2014

Fr. Basil Zebrun

Introduction and Bright Week:

The week following Pascha (Easter), is called Bright Week, by the Church.  Pascha is celebrated this year by the Orthodox Church on April 20, with Christians of the Western Tradition.  As Holy Week was a final time of anticipation and preparation for “the Feast of Feasts,” so Bright Week is a period of unique Resurrection joy, manifested outwardly in diverse ways.  For instance, during Bright Week there is no fasting at all from various types of food;  all liturgical hymns, ideally, are to be sung rather than read;  and the Church remains highly decorated, with the royal doors and deacon’s doors of the iconostasis left open as they were during the Midnight Service.  This latter practice emphasizes visually that the gates of God’s Kingdom have been open to man through the Cross, Tomb and Resurrection of Christ.  Services during Bright Week are celebrated in a particularly glorious manner, identical to that experienced during the Midnight Service and Resurrection Vespers on Pascha Sunday.  The traditional announcement, “Christ is Risen,” is sung repeatedly by the Church choir, and people greet one another with this same message of hope.

While Bright Week is a time of profound, perhaps uncommon celebration, the Resurrection season is not limited to one week.  For forty days, until Ascension (this year May 29), the faithful recall in songs and greetings the joyous news that ‘Christ has trampled down death by death, bestowing life upon those in the tombs.’  Clergy and altar servers continue to wear their brightest vestments, and everyone stands (rather than kneels) in prayer, both at home and in Church.  The practice of standing in prayer during the Paschal Season serves to stress our belief that in Christ we are already resurrected beings, residents on earth yet citizens of Heaven. The faithful continue this practice until Pentecost (this year June 8), when after Liturgy for the first time since Holy Week we kneel in prayer during three special prayers that are read from the ambo by the clergy.

The five Sundays following Pascha emphasize, through the appointed Scripture readings and hymns, (1.) post-resurrection appearances of Christ;  (2.) the Church’s early life and missionary endeavors (epistle readings are taken from the Book of Acts); and (3.) aspects of baptism, through which we ourselves have died and risen with Christ to a new life in God (Gospel readings are taken from the most “sacramental” of Gospel accounts, that of John the Theologian or Evangelist).  Fr. Thomas Hopko in his Orthodox Faith Handbook Series, Volume II, provides a summary of the meaning of the five Sundays of Pascha.  The following contains quotes and paraphrases from that summary.

Thomas  Sunday  (April 27):
On the Sunday following Pascha, called in our liturgical books “the Second Sunday,” the stress is on the Apostle Thomas’ vision of Christ.  The significance of the day comes to us in the words of the Gospel:  “Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands;  and put out your hand, and place it in My side;  do not be faithless, but believing.” Thomas answered Him,
“My Lord and My God!”  Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen
Me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”  (John 20:27-29). In this last statement Christ refers to all those who will come after the Apostles and become disciples through their words. This includes Christians of every century, including our own.  We have not seen Christ with our physical eyes, nor touched His risen body with our physical hands, yet in the Holy Spirit we have seen and touched and tasted the Word of Life (1 John 1:1-4), and so we believe.  In the early Church it was only on this day that those baptized at Pascha removed their (baptismal) robes and entered once again into the life of this world.

The  Myrrhbearing  Women  (May 4):

The Third Sunday after Pascha is dedicated to the Myrrhbearing Women who cared for the body of the Savior at His death and who were the first witnesses of His Resurrection.  The three troparia of Holy Friday, (having to do with the Noble Joseph of Arimethea anointing and burying the Body of Jesus;  Christ’s descent into hell and its defeat;  and the angel’s proclamation to the myrrhbearing women of Christ’s resurrection)are sung once again and form the theme of the day:
     "The noble Joseph, when he had taken down Thy most pure body from the Tree, wrapped it in fine linen and anointed it with spices, and placed it in a new tomb."
      "When Thou didst descend to death, O Life Immortal, Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead."
      "The angel came to the myrrhbearing women at the tomb and said: Myrrh is fitting for the dead, but Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption! So proclaim: The Lord is risen, granting the world great mercy."

The  Paralytic  (May 11):

The Fourth Sunday is dedicated to Christ’s healing of the Paralytic (John 5).  The man is healed by Christ while waiting to be put down into the pool of water.  Through baptism in the church we too are healed and saved by Christ for eternal life.  Thus, in the church, we are told, together with the paralytic, to “sin no more that nothing worse befall you” (John 5:14).  Our Lord’s question to the man, “Do you want to be healed?” is directed to us as well, reminding us that the gift of life and illumination through the Resurrection brings with it responsibilities.  It must be nurtured and shared with others.

The  Feast  of  Mid-Pentecost:

In the middle of the Fourth Week, there is a day which is called by the Church, the Feast of Mid-Pentecost (this year May 14).  On this day we recall that Christ, “in the middle of the feast” teaches men of His saving mission and offers to all “the waters of immortality” (John 7:14).  Again we are reminded of the Master’s presence and His saving promise:  “If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37).

The  Samaritan  Woman  (May 18):

The Fifth Sunday after Pascha deals with the Woman of Samaria with whom Christ spoke at Jacob’s Well (John 4).  Again the theme is the “living water” and the recognition of Jesus as God’s Messiah (John 4: 10-11; 25-26).  We are reminded of our new life in Him, of our own drinking of the “living water,” of our own true worship of God in the Christian Messianic Age “in Spirit and in Truth” (John 4: 23-24).  We see as well that salvation is offered to all:  Jews and Gentiles, men and women, saints and sinners.

The  Blind  Man  (May 25):

Finally, the Sixth Sunday commemorates the healing of the man blind from birth (John 9).  We are identified with that man who came to see and to believe in Jesus as the Son of God.  The Lord has anointed our eyes with His own divine hands and washed them with the waters of baptism (John 9: 6-11).  In Christ we are given the power to see and confess Him as God’s only-begotten Son, and we are given the ability to comprehend clearly and with love, our own lives, the lives of others and the world around us.

Ascension, Pentecost and All Saints Sunday:

The Paschal Season ends with the great feast of Ascension (again, this year May 29) on which believers celebrate the Lord’s ascent in order to be glorified with God the Father and to glorify us with Himself.  He goes in order to “prepare a place” for us, and to take us into the blessedness of God’s presence.  He goes to open the way for all flesh into the “heavenly sanctuary...the Holy Place not made by hands” (See Hebrews 8-10).  Furthermore, Christ ascends in order to send the Holy Spirit (an event celebrated on Pentecost) who proceeds from the Father, to bear witness to Him (Christ) and His Gospel in the world, by making Him (Christ) powerfully present in the lives of His disciples

On Pentecost (June 8) the Church celebrates the final act of God’s self-revelation and self-donation to the world.  God’s plan of salvation – starting with and including the formation of His chosen people, Israel;  the sending of the prophets;  the birth of Christ; His teachings, miracles, sufferings, death, burial and resurrection – all of this culminates with the giving of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and the birth of the New Israel, the Church of God, the life of which is the continued presence of the Spirit in our midst.

The Sunday after Pentecost, that of All Saints  (June 15), reveals the power of the Holy Spirit in this world, the reason that He was given.  The Saints are those who, without a doubt, have been saved and transformed by the Spirit’s presence, a fate open to all who believe.  And then finally, on June 22, we commemorate All Saints of America, as a logical follow up to the previous Sunday.  This celebration affirms God’s presence and activity amongst His disciples in North America, placing before us local and contemporary examples of sanctity.

Thus a journey which began for us way back on February 2 with the Sunday of Zacchaeus will end on June 22.  But the journey was taken for a reason.  The seasons of fasting and celebration that we have experienced are to lead us to a deeper faith in Christ as Savior.  They are to instill within us a stronger commitment to our own mission, to be Christ’s witnesses “to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

(Some of the above information taken from Fr. Thomas Hopko’s, The Orthodox Faith, Volume 2, Worship, published by the O.C.A.’s Department of Christian Education.)

The Election of a New Bishop

The Election of a New Bishop
Fr. Basil Zebrun
     This year's 35th Annual Assembly of the Diocese of the South will convene July 16 - 20 in Miami Florida.  In 1978 Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Miami hosted our inaugural Assembly.  The parish will assume this responsibility once again as we look forward to another historic first:  the election of a Diocesan hierarch.
     The election will take place, appropriately, on the last day of the gathering, Thursday, July 19 (The Feast of St. Seraphim).  As mentioned, the procedure is a new experience for many in the Diocese.  His Eminence Archbishop Dmitri was the founding hierarch of the DOS in 1978, appointed by the Holy Synod of Bishops.  He remained officiallyour father in Christ until March of 2009, when he retired.  Since then we have had two men function as locum tenens, overseeing work within our ecclesiastical borders:  first His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, and presently His Eminence Archbishop Nikon of Boston.  The void, however, created by Vladika Dmitri's retirement has yet to be filled.
     The upcoming vote brings with it hopeful expectations, as well as apprehension: and rightfully, there should be some trepidation that accompanies a course of election.  But, while people often focus on the all too human side of reviewing candidates and debating their qualifications, the sacred character of what we are about to do as a Diocese has to be stressed.  There is a sacramental quality to this process that can be overlooked too easily. Our approach to an episcopal election as a blessed act -- be it a vote taken within the Synod, or with the participation of priests and laity -- is consistent with what is found in Scripture (for example, Acts 1:21-26), and with an Orthodox understanding of the Church itself, its members and hierarchy. Fr. John Meyendorff, of blessed memory, once wrote that:
     "It is the faith of the Church that the election (of a bishop) reflects a divine choice and is actually performed not only by man, but also by the Holy Spirit. The Church is not a human organization, ruled by any of the systems which man may devise -- democracy, autocracy, clergy-rule or laity-rule -- but a temple of God, where God and man meet, where man is being led to eternal life, where God, in His mercy, gives to men and women the privilege of being His sons and daughters.  It is this new dignity, which man acquires in the Church, that also allows him to share mysteriously in the acts of divine choice.  Holy Scripture teaches us that the ministries of the Church -- and especially the ministries responsible for the performance of sacraments, for the maintenance of the true faith, for the unity of the Church -- are gifts of the Holy Spirit.  However, because the Church is the Body of Christ, because all of us clergy and laity are members of the Body, we are all called to participate in the selection of those who are invested with this grace of the Holy Spirit:  "It has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us" (Acts 15:23)."  (Vision of Unity, SVS Press, 1987, p.177).
     No one will ever take the place of Archbishop Dmitri, either in our hearts or in the further development of the Diocese.  He was one of a kind:  the right man, in the right place, at the right time, for a unique ministry. Considering a candidate, therefore, to continue the work of such an august figure, makes people edgy, and on occasion quite anxious, especially given that the number of available candidates is limited. It is tempting, when faced with an unknown future as it relates to leadership, to dwell on scenarios of potential failures, as well as politics surrounding this or that person.  It is also quite possible to enter a time of uncertainty with joy and confidence.  I suppose that both approaches can be expected in periods of transition.  One would hope, however, that optimism toward possibilities awaiting our Diocese with a new hierarch, would overshadow doubt and skepticism. A Diocesan Search Committee has been working for over a year to find a suitable person who will understand the founding principles of the Diocese, who will build upon the foundation already laid, but who will bring to the position of diocesan hierarch his own unique ideas and style of leadership. The final decision, of course, rests with the Holy Synod.
     According to the DOS website: "Of the candidates under consideration by the Episcopal Search Committee, the Holy Synod has vetted Hieromonk Gerasim (Eliel) and Bishop Mark (Maymon)." Of these two, "The Diocesan Council will put forward the single name Hieromonk Gerasim (Eliel) for the consideration of the Special Diocesan Assembly as the next bishop of the Diocese of the South."  The election will then be held and the Synod of Bishops will later make their decision. It must be stressed, however, that the Council's specific recommendation to the Assembly of Fr. Gerasim will not prevent anyone from writing in -- on a blank ballot -- the name of any person who meets the necessary qualifications for consecration to the episcopacy.  (For further information on the election process please see the Diocesan website:  dosoca.org).
     To me, prospects in light of the upcoming election are very encouraging.  For the work of the Diocese to continue most effectively it must have a resident ruling hierarch. As we enter a new stage of Diocesan life it will help to remember the public example set by His Eminence Archbishop Dmitri during his tenure.  His faith in the work of the Spirit was quite instructive.
     This faith was evident when once he was asked about the October 1977 Metropolitan Election held at the 5th All American Council in Toronto.  (Then) Bishop Dmitri of New England had received by far the largest number of popular votes, both on the first and second ballots.  The Synod of Bishops however, exercising its right of discernment, decided instead to elevate as Primate of the OCA, His Grace Bishop Theodosius, who had received the second highest number of votes (179 to 348).  A few people expressed their disappointment that His Eminence had not been made Metropolitan, and suggested that perhaps Church politics played a role in the final outcome.  The Archbishop without hesitation, and with a smile on his face, stressed that the Holy Spirit can work through any situation for the good of the Body.  In retrospect most people would see the wisdom in these words.  Undoubtedly, His Eminence would have been an effective Primate. But had the Archbishop become Metropolitan, the Diocese of the South as we know it today might not exist. And if the truth be told, His Eminence was probably far happier working in the South than he would have been representing the Synod of Bishops and the OCA at national and international gatherings.
     Whatever the outcome of July's election, the Diocese is entering a new chapter in its history. The election itself, however, is only a start.  Many are wondering what the new bishop will offer in terms of leadership:  a valid concern, given that the bar was set high from the beginning. My personal feeling is that another question of equal importance is in order: "what will Diocesan members offer in terms of  love and cooperation, regardless of election results and/or Synodal appointment?"  It will take time for the bishop-elect to familiarize himself with the South, and to feel comfortable as leader of a missionary Diocese.  He will need the prayers of his flock, as we assuredly expect his support for our communities. The Church generally will also require our prayerful acceptance of the Spirit's work through elections by Assembly delegates and members of the Synod.
     As we approach the election of a new hierarch we can look ahead remembering the special quality of this year's Assembly, the privilege that is ours as children of God to "share mysteriously in the acts of divine choice" (Meyendorff).  We can recall, as well, the Archbishop's faith.  In doing so we should remember his entire ministry, how he conducted himself openly and consistently as an Orthodox bishop.  We cannot speak for Vladika, but in my opinion -- looking to his public persona as a guide -- he would unquestionably want us, at this time, to be charitable to all candidates for the episcopacy, as he himself displayed charity toward others.  He would assuredly desire that we be respectful of our elders, as he himself showed respect to those whom he served throughout his life.  To the skeptics he would probably say be wise, yet gentle; do not tempt others; trust in the Spirit; and recognize His power to overcome human frailties. To those in mourning -- August 28 will be the 1st anniversary of his repose -- he would undoubtedly quote the Apostle urging us to weep, but not as those who have no hope.  And he would surely encourage the more optimistically minded to remain enthusiastic and to share their zeal for Christ with the rest of the Body.
     The July election will not only start a new chapter in the life of Southern Orthodoxy,  but in some ways it will be a measure of our maturity as a Diocese, a test -- if you will -- for what we have learned from Archbishop Dmitri in terms of trust and acceptance of God's Will.

Memory Eternal! Archbishop Dmitri

In Memoriam: His Eminence, The Most Reverend Dmitri (Royster), Retired Archbishop of the Diocese of Dallas and the South, Orthodox Church in America (November 2, 1923 - August 28, 2011) Fr. Basil Zebrun

Orthodox Christians were deeply saddened to hear of the falling asleep in the Lord on Sunday, August 28, at 2:00 am, of His Eminence, The Most Reverend DMITRI, retired Archbishop of the Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America.  The Archbishop was eighty-seven years old.  Ordained in 1954, then consecrated to the episcopacy in 1969, his ecclesial ministry spanned fifty-seven remarkable years. The main funeral service for the Archbishop will be celebrated at St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas on Wednesday evening (August 31) at 6:30, with a Divine Liturgy and burial service on Thursday morning (September 1) at 9:30. Additional services throughout the week will be conducted as well at 6:30 in the evenings, Monday and Tuesday, and at 10 am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Cathedral is located at 4208 Wycliff, one block off of Oaklawn Avenue.

His Eminence was born Robert R. Royster on November 2, 1923, into a Baptist family in the town of Teague, Texas. He often credited his mother for providing him and his sister with a strong, initial faith in Christ.  After discovering Orthodoxy as teens they asked their mother for a blessing to convert, whereupon she asked one basic yet predictive question:  "Does the Orthodox Church believe in Christ as Lord and Savior?" As it turned out, a specific emphasis on the person and work of Jesus Christ became the hallmark of the future hierarch's ministry, profoundly influencing his preaching and writing. Additionally the Archbishop would later recall that an Orthodox clergyman and mentor advised him early on in his priesthood to include always the name of Christ in every conversation; to make Him the focus of every sermon.

Having received their desired blessing, and after a period of inquiry and study, brother and sister were received together as Orthodox Christians at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Dallas, Texas in 1941. It was at that point that the two received the names of Dmitri and Dimitra.

Dmitri was drafted into the US Army  in 1943, after which he underwent intensive training in Japanese and linguistics in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the Military Intelligence Service Language School in Fort Snelling, Minnesota. Following this he served as a Japanese interpreter at the rank of Second Lieutenant on the staff of General Douglas MacArthur.  Dmitri was required to undergo the usual training given to all soldiers and was recognized, interestingly enough, as an expert marksman. He was blessed with a strong constitution and good physical abilities: as a teenager he represented his Dallas high school during the tennis state semi-finals.  Later as hierarch he would comment that good health and physical strength should also be used in service to Christ.  Following his own advice he pushed himself physically, traveling repeatedly by car for years, from one end of his fourteen state Diocese to the other in the early stages of its inception, visiting parishes and founding missions.

After his military service Dmitri completed his education, receiving a Bachelor's Degree from the (now) University of North Texas in Denton, just outside of Dallas, and a Master's Degree in Spanish in 1949 from Southern Methodist University. He completed two years of post graduate studies at Tulane University in New Orleans whereupon he returned to his home in Dallas.

In 1954, as a subdeacon with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under Constantinople, Dmitri worked with the Mexican Orthodox Community of Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos, at which time he began translations of Orthodox liturgical services into Spanish. In April of 1954 Subdeacon Dmitri, his sister Dimitra and their priest, Fr. Rangel sought permission of the local hierarch, Bishop Bogdan, to establish an English language Orthodox mission in Dallas, the future St. Seraphim Cathedral. Dmitri was ordained to the diaconate and priesthood that same year and assigned as rector of St. Seraphim's. In 1958 permission was sought and given to bring both Fr. Dmitri and the parish into the Russian Metropolia, predecessor to the Orthodox Church in America. During his pastorate Fr. Dmitri served as an instructor of Spanish at Southern Methodist University.  He functioned in this capacity for a number of years.  Dmitri also taught at Tulane University in New Orleans for a brief period during his tenure as student. While serving in the military, and afterward, particularly in New Orleans, he cultivated a taste for strong, chicory coffee, which became a characteristic trademark throughout his life. Years later, out of great respect for their hierarch, and with a certain sense of satisfaction, parishes would seek to make the perfect pot of Cafe Du Monde or Community Club Coffee upon a visit from His Eminence.

During the early years of St. Seraphim's Fr. Dmitri continued his missionary activities among the Mexican Americans but was intent on developing the new community placed in his care. As a direct result of his desire that people from all walks of life hear the message of Orthodox Christianity, the Cathedral remains to this day, a multi-ethic parish, consisting of both life-long Orthodox and converts.

While functioning as both priest and university instructor Fr. Dmitri found time to help his sister with her local restaurant.  As children, responsibilities in the family restaurant provided an appreciation for the art of cooking.  As adults, the two came to be regarded as gourmet chefs. Not surprisingly celebrations at the Archbishop's home in honor of specific religious holidays were awaited with great anticipation by members of the Church and local Dallas clergy.  Following the teaching of St. Paul, His Eminence was enthusiastically "hospitable" (1 Timothy 3:2).

At such gatherings the Archbishop on rare occasions would recall in passing, certain struggles of the Depression. He did not dwell on the subject, but it seemed that the experience of going without, of laboring to put food on the table, was never far from his consciousness. He lived modestly and was generous to a fault, not only giving beyond the tithe to his Cathedral, but donating to seminaries, charities, diocesan missions, and persons in need.

While working outside the Church and tending to priestly responsibilities, Fr. Dmitri found time to print his own original articles in a weekly Church bulletin. In the 1950's and 60's Orthodox theological works in English were scarce, particularly on a popular level of reading.  Fr. Dmitri saw a need and sought to address it.  Later, his curriculum for catechumens used at St. Seraphim's would be published by the Department of Christian Education of the Orthodox Church in America, with the title: Orthodox Christian Teaching. The Dallas community grew steadily;  Fr. Dmitri had a unique gift for relating to all people. Both young and old looked to him as a loving father.

From 1966 to 1967 Fr. Dmitri attended St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary in New York while concurrently teaching Spanish at Fordham University. He studied with people such as Protopresbyters Alexander Schmemann and John Meyendorff, as well as Professor Serge Verhovskoy.  In 1969 Fr. Dmitri was elected to the episcopate.  On June 22 of that year he was consecrated Bishop of Berkeley, California as an auxiliary to Archbishop John (Shahovskoy) of San Francisco.  The consecration of Bishop Dmitri is regarded by some historians as the first consecration of a convert to the episcopate in America (though Ignatius (Nichols) was consecrated in 1932 but subsequently left the Church).

In 1970 Bishop Dmitri was given the title, Bishop of Washington, auxiliary to Metropolitan Ireney. He would later recall the helpful training he received as an auxiliary under both Archbishop John and Metropolitan Ireney, particularly the many periods of instruction in Church Slavonic.

On October 19, 1971, Bishop Dmitri was elected Bishop of Hartford and New England.  In 1972 the Holy Synod of Bishops brought Mexico under the auspices of the Orthodox Church in America, which had received its autocephaly (the right to govern itself) in 1970 from the Moscow Patriarchate.  Given his knowledge of and fondness for Mexican culture and the Spanish language, Bishop Dmitri took on additional responsibilities from the Holy Synod  as Exarch of Mexico.  He was as much beloved by the Mexican people as by those in his own Diocese.

In 1977 at the 5th All American Council convened in Montreal, Bishop Dmitri received a majority of popular votes in an election for a new Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in America. For the sake of continuity -- a life-long Orthodox occupying the Primatial See was viewed as more in keeping with the contemporary challenges of a young territorial Church -- the Holy Synod chose instead The Right Reverend Theodosius (Lazor), Bishop of Alaska who became an advocate and supporter of missionary work in the southern United States.

In 1978 the Synod of Bishops took an important step by creating the Diocese of Dallas and the South.   His Eminence became its first ruling hierarch, taking St. Seraphim Church as his Episcopal See.  Christ the Saviour Church in Miami, Florida, a prominent Orthodox community in the South, became the second Cathedral of the newly formed Diocese.  The Archpriest George Gladky, a veteran missionary and rector of Christ the Saviour, was named Chancellor.  He and Bishop Dmitri worked admirably with others to establish Churches and teach Orthodoxy in a region of America where Orthodox Christianity was relatively unknown. The first Diocesan Assembly of the South was convened in Miami, August 25-26, 1978.

In 1993 the Holy Synod elevated Bishop Dmitri to the rank of Archbishop. During his tenure as hierarch the Archbishop chaired various departments of the Orthodox Church in America. Early on he was instrumental in speaking with representatives of the Evangelical Orthodox Church seeking entrance into canonical Orthodoxy.  His understanding of Christ as central to the Faith, helped guide these discussions.  As an example, an episode occurred in which members of the EOC wanted to focus on particulars of worship during initial dialogues. It is said they were cautioned by the Bishop:  "Let's first discuss our approach to Jesus Christ, since everything that we have in Orthodoxy proceeds from that core set of teachings."

On September 4, 2008, following the retirement of Metropolitan Herman, the Holy Synod named Archbishop Dmitri as the locum tenens. Archbishop Seraphim (Storheim) assisted him as administrator.  In November of 2008, Archbishop Dmitri's role as OCA locum tenens ended with the election of Bishop Jonah (Paffhausen) of Fort Worth as Metropolitan.  On March 22, 2009, the Archbishop requested retirement from active duty as a Diocesan Bishop effective March 31, 2009.  Under his leadership the Diocese of the South grew from approximately twelve communities to over seventy at the present time and remains one of the most vibrant Dioceses in the OCA.

During the past two years the Archbishop has lived quietly at his home, writing, making occasional visits to Diocesan communities, and maintaining a quiet involvement with the life of St. Seraphim Cathedral.  He was blessed in his last days to have many parishioners who visited and cared for him at home twenty-four hours a day as well as medical professionals who came to his bedside to treat and evaluate his condition.  The community in turn received a great blessing from the love and courage with which the Archbishop welcomed them and approached his illness. He remained courteous, hospitable and dignified throughout, even attending Church when his strength allowed. These unexpected visits to the Cathedral by the Archbishop were sources of joy and inspiration to the faithful.

For his former Diocese and the Orthodox Church in America, His Eminence leaves behind a progressive vision of evangelism and ecclesial life, a solid foundation upon which to develop future communities and schools. He leaves the faithful the experience of having had a compassionate father whose enthusiasm was contagious, inspiring many to look profoundly at their own vocations in the Church.

Archbishop Dmitri's greatest joys as well as sorrows were connected to his episcopal ministry. The establishment of new missions, the ordinations of men to the priesthood or diaconate, and the reception of others into Orthodoxy were continual sources of delight. In addition he patiently dealt with clergy and laymen during his tenure who needed correction.  In fact, it would be difficult to recall an instance where he strongly reprimanded anyone, at least publicly.  Private, gentle advice when needed was more "his style."  At times his approach confused and frustrated some who believed that his manner of oversight should be stricter; that he should be more demanding in his expectations.  Again, this was never the Archbishop's way.  It was not in his character to remind people bluntly of their responsibilities. The Archbishop chose to lead by example rather than by decree.  Ultimately and personally this became a source of his extraordinary influence and popularity.  Mere suggestions were readily received as directives because of people's fondness for His Eminence.  More than once the comment was made:  "you cannot buy that kind of authority," authority that proceeds from integrity and proven dedication, from a loving relationship between a father and his children.

As stated, Archbishop Dmitri's episcopacy was strongly characterized by a single-minded devotion to the person and work of Jesus Christ.  His publications are testimony to this dedication.  They include commentaries on: The Sermon on the Mount, The Parables of Christ, The Miracles of Christ, St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans and to the Hebrews, The Epistle of St. James, and the Gospel of St. John.  His works also include the aforementioned Introduction to Orthodox Christian Teaching, as well as A Layman's Handbook on The Doctrine of Christ.  Some of these have been translated into other languages, enthusiastically received as instructional tools by the faithful abroad.  When asked to document his personal thoughts concerning evangelism or American Orthodoxy the Archbishop consistently hesitated, preferring instead to dwell on the teachings of the fathers regarding Scripture and Church doctrine.

For many years His Eminence was the editor of the first diocesan newspaper in the Orthodox Church in America:  The Dawn.  This modest publication was a primary means of education and an instrument of unity amongst members of a Diocese spanning over one million square miles. One full page in The Dawn was regularly devoted to making available his translations of Orthodox Spanish material. Later the Archbishop included a Russian page as well to minister to the needs of new immigrants.

The dignity that he brought to his episcopacy was well known.   People commented on his bearing, the way he carried himself as a bishop of the Orthodox Church.  Some found it surprising that such an august figure possessed great love and respect for others, that he presented himself as one of the people.

Without exaggeration it can be said that His Eminence was a rarity, a unique combination of faith, talent, intelligence and charisma. For the Diocese of the South, indeed for the Orthodox Church in America, he was the right person at the right time.

Forty- two years a bishop, each day offered in service to Christ with Whom he now enjoys the blessedness of the Kingdom.  We pray for his continued prayers and we thank the Lord for having given His flock the gift of Archbishop Dmitri. May his Memory Be Eternal.

"Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct" (Hebrews 13:7).

"For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel..." (I Corinthians 4: 15)