40 Shopping -- and Fasting -- Days Until Christmas
Yet, as our society counts down the remaining shopping days until Christmas; and as our spending is seen as almost a patriotic act of contributing to the build-up of our failing economy; and as we want to “fit in” – especially for the sake of our children – we also are prone to unleashing the “consumer within,” always alert to the joys of shopping, spending and accumulating. When one adds in the unending “entertainment” designed to create a holiday season atmosphere, it can all become rather overwhelming.
The final question always returns us to the question that Jesus asked of his initial disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” If we, together with Saint Peter, confess that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” then we know where we stand as the “battle of the calendars” intensifies (beginning November 15).
St. Barbara's 35th Anniversary Celebration October 23 - 26
Days of Celebrations & Pan Orthodox Activities
Summary of Archbishop Nikon's Visit
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Barbara's, Christ is in our midst!
After a joyous weekend with Archbishop Nikon on August 23 and 24, I thought it would be nice to share some highlights and photos connected with his visit. A number of you were unable to be with us for services and festivities so perhaps the following will provide a connection of sorts to our two day event. I hope that this will also serve as a further expression of gratitude to the many people who helped prepare for the visit of the Archbishop, and who helped to make his short time with us a memorable experience.
Although His Eminence was tired on Saturday, getting up at 2 am CST to catch a flight out of Connecticut, he appeared most eager to visit with Ft. Worth parishioners that afternoon and evening. A private meeting with the Archbishop was scheduled at 3:30 pm at the Church with the Parish Council. As we drove up to the front of the building just prior to the meeting, the Council members' greeting of His Eminence was quite touching as they lined up in the vestibule (entry way) to receive his blessing. Also awaiting the Archbishop in the vestibule of St. Barbara's hall was a large 4 foot chalk board on an ornate metal easel with a decorative greeting: "A Hearty Texas Welcome to Archbishop Nikon, 2014." In front of the easel was a lovely bouquet of bluebonnets, and next to the easel a 3 foot stand on which sat an adult saddle. To the right of the saddle was a table with a beautifully framed painting of a long horn steer -- later presented to His Eminence along with a set of spurs -- as well as additional Texas theme decorations, the St. Barbara guest book and introductory brochures. The bulk of the Texas ornaments and thematic dishware were brought out of love by parishioners from their homes, to be used during this special event.
The meeting with the Council was informal with various questions asked of the Archbishop ranging from matters related to the Assembly of American Orthodox Bishops, to activities at St. Barbara's and Council members' conversions to Orthodoxy. Each person had a personal story of discovery to relate to His Eminence. Each story ended in a similar fashion; a heartfelt decision to "come home" spiritually, having found the Orthodox Christian Faith.
The meeting ended just after 4:30 pm, at which time we prepared for 5 pm Great Vespers. The service went smoothly, the choir sounded very nice. Vespers was followed by a lovely Texas buffet reception, complete with BBQ, King Ranch Casserole and all the fixin's: Tex Mex Beans, potato salad, cole slaw, apple pie, peach cobbler, chips and salsa, homemade cookies, sweet tea, sodas and coffee. The tables were decorated with Western theme red, white and blue table cloths and bouquets of bluebonnets, as well as vases and cowboy boots with Texas floral arrangements, along with metal "lone stars" and a small decorative chalk board on which was printed the evening's menu.
Near the end of the meal His Eminence presented a brief historical and anecdotal talk concerning Archbishop Dmitri (Royster), the founding Hierarch of the Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America. One particular recollection focused on Archbishop Dmitri's pastoral sensitivity. His Eminence related how in May of 1975, (then) Bishop Dmitri of Hartford and New England for the OCA was appointed locum tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese. Archbishop Nikon stressed that, "Bishop Dmitri was sensitive to the fact that he would be overseeing temporarily a diocese whose practices were often closer to the Byzantine, Greek and other Mediterranean Orthodox traditions, and different from what His Grace had been used to. During his five year tenure, however, Bishop Dmitri never once sought to impose his own preferences on the Albanian flock. On the contrary he sought to intensify some traditions, new to him, that he thought to be valuable."
After providing several additional anecdotal reminiscences, Archbishop Nikon then entertained questions on various topics from the approximately 50 people gathered. The evening ended officially at about 8:45 pm, with clean up afterwards. Although people were tired, and anticipating the Liturgy and celebration that was to begin in less than fourteen hours, everyone worked into the evening to prepare for those activities, joining in lively conversations as well. We must acknowledge the efforts of our cleaning and preparation crews throughout the week who worked hard to see that the building was as clean as possible for the visit of our father in Christ. Our greeters as well offered their customary and friendly welcome to visitors, marking the importance of this event for the parish, as did our kitchen staff and food servers.
Sunday morning the Archbishop arrived at the door of St. Barbara's at 9:30 am and was greeted with a bouquet of flowers, as well as bread and salt, traditional signs of hospitality and welcome. The Cross too was offered to him for veneration, with all three presenters delivering personal greetings to His Eminence on behalf of the parish.
As the Deacon intoned, "Wisdom," the choir began to sing, "It is truly meet to bless thee, O Theotokos..." while the Archbishop and servers processed to the front of the Church, the Deacon chanting the customary Entrance prayers. After blessing the people His Eminence entered the Sanctuary (Altar area) through the Royal Doors, and there he vested for the start of the Liturgy, while the 3rd and 6th Hours were chanted.
The Archbishop began the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10 am from the center of the Church. Over 120 people participated in the service, lending their voices to those of the choir. The Archbishop preached on the Gospel concerning the Unforgiving Servant: Matthew 18: 23-35. He ended his homily with a striking image from the prophet and Psalm 66, of God as a Silversmith, Who purifies us in the fires of life, and Who knows when the process has reached its desired goal when He is able to see His Own image in us.
Additionally, our "army of Altar servers," as described by the Archbishop, did a remarkable job. Most of them had never served with an Orthodox Hierarch prior to this weekend. Again, our choir did a fantastic job as well, especially considering that some members were under the weather Sunday morning. The Readers for the day chanted exceptionally well. The extra rehearsals last week for both the choir and servers paid off greatly as the service went smoothly, with minor mistakes by the clergy being corrected and "covered up" by the quick responses of both servers and singers.
Following the Divine Liturgy another delicious Texas theme reception was held in honor of His Eminence. The copious amounts of food offered Saturday night was topped by even more food offered on Sunday afternoon, much of which was prepared and donated by parishioners. With the wide and colorful assortment of meats, salads, desserts and side dishes, the tables were reminiscent of a Paschal (Easter) Agape Meal in the Orthodox Church. Food servers and kitchen staff for both Saturday and Sunday wore dark blue aprons embroidered with bluebonnets and Texas theme designs, the work and material donated by a member of St. Barbara's.
Near the end of the Sunday reception the Archbishop blessed the students in the parish for the start of the new School year. He then met with the younger children privately in the Church library. Three teachers and several parents were present also to take pictures and to help if necessary as the children came up with all kinds of questions to ask His Eminence. Archbishop Nikon appeared as a loving grandfather to the kids, who showed no hesitation at all when it came to asking tough questions such as, "What's the bestest thing about being a bishop?" "What's the worst thing about being a bishop?" "Why do you wear a black hat when the Church is dark, but a sparkly hat when the Church is lit up?" "Do you own a horse?" "Why do stand on a rug with an eagle on it?" "Do you wear boots?" "Who made you a bishop? Were you elected?" Initially we thought that the children would be intimated by the Archbishop's presence, but such was not the case. Their gathering lasted about 45 minutes, was quite enjoyable, and is an activity the parish must repeat the next time His Eminence is able to be with us.
After his meeting with the children, the Archbishop finished packing his suitcases with one of the Readers and was ready for his drive back to DFW Airport. We were also blessed to have His Eminence's niece with us on Sunday, who offered to take Archbishop Nikon back to the airport in time for his late afternoon flight.
We received final blessings from His Eminence and returned to the Church for final clean up anticipating this week's activities and services.
Again, a large and heartfelt "thank you," to everyone and anyone who help to prepare for, and who worked throughout the weekend during the visit of Archbishop Nikon. He greatly enjoyed himself and was thrilled to meet parishioners and friends of St. Barbara's.
To an adult on Saturday night who asked, "As a bishop, what would be the one thing that you would want people to know," he answered, "that I love you all." He told the children as well that the best thing about being a bishop are the opportunities he has to visit his various churches and to see members of his flock. In conclusion we might add that one of the most enjoyable things about parish life is the opportunity that we have to host such a father in Christ. Eis Polla Eti Despota! Many Years Vladika Nikon.
Archbishop Nikon's Visit: August 23 and 24
Baptismal Sponsorship: Past and Present
Fr. Lawrence Farley
(With several Baptisms planned for the near future at our parish, as well as several Chrismations in the months to come, we thought that the following article would provide a good reflection on past and present roles of Sponsors (i.e. Godparents) in the life of Christians.)
When infants are brought to the baptismal font, they not only come with parents and friends, but also their sponsors—traditionally in churches of the Russian tradition, a man and a woman. These sponsors have liturgical duties to perform during the service, such as holding the child, and making the responses when the priest requires that the child renounce Satan and unite himself to Christ. But there are other duties as well, which remain after the service is over.
In the classic “Priest’s Guide” as quoted by Archpriest David Abramtsov, we read the following: “The sponsors in Baptism are guarantors pledging to the Church that the baby to be baptized will be brought up in the faith of that Church; therefore they must be members of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church.” Father David also writes, “Among the other duties of sponsors is the duty of seeing that their godchildren receive Holy Communion frequently, that they attend Sunday School and church regularly, that they learn their prayers and fulfill all the other requirements of the Orthodox Faith.” Sounds good. The only problem is that given our modern North American nuclear family, it is difficult for anyone to promise that their godchildren will fulfill these duties if the parents do not do their bit. And rash promises aside, we should be clear: if the parents do not raise their children in piety and faith, making sure that a living faith is communicated to their offspring, there is precious little that a godparent can do about it. A sponsor can nag, of course, and encourage, and maybe even plead. But the overwhelming lion share of responsibility falls with the parents, and especially with the dad.
The reality is that children learn what is important by observing what their parents do. Grandparents can inspire and influence to some degree, but theirs is a subordinate and supportive role. The parents will model piety for their children (or not), and this will provide the formative effect. Note: the children will learn from what their parents actually do, not just what they say. The parents may say, “Church is very, very important,” but if they do not go to church every week and devoutly receive Holy Communion, and say their private prayers, and pray at meal-times, such exhortations will be recognized by children for the hypocritical clap-trap it is. That is, the exhortations will have no lasting effect. In such a house where the parents do not exercise a living faith, the effect of the godparents’ exhortations and offers will be distinctly minimal. Auntie Sophie and Uncle Walter can be as winning and loving as ever, but their winning love cannot compensate for the poor examples of the parents.
One might be tempted to ask: this being the case, what’s the point of having sponsors? One might begin an answer by looking at how sponsorship functioned in the early Church. In those days, all candidates for baptism had sponsors, even the adults. The pilgrim known to scholars as “Egeria” tells us in her memoirs of her trip to the Holy Land how baptismal sponsorship functioned in Jerusalem in her day. She writes, “On the second day of Lent at the start of the eight weeks, the bishop’s chair is placed in the middle of the Great Church, the Martyrium, the presbyters sit in chairs on either side of him, and all the clergy stand. Then one by one those seeking baptism are brought up, men coming with their fathers and women with their mothers. As they come in one by one, the bishop asks their neighbours questions about them: ‘Is this person leading a good life? Does he respect his parents? Is he a drunkard or a boaster?’ He asks about all the serious human vices. And if his inquiries show him that someone has not committed any of these misdeeds, he himself puts down his name; but if someone is guilty he is told to go away, and the bishop tells him that he is to amend his ways before he may come to the font.” Thus in the early Church the function of the sponsors was to witness to the propriety of the baptism by testifying that the catechumenal candidate was indeed living a Christian life. (Presumably in cases of infant baptism, the issue was whether or not the parents of the infant candidate were living a Christian life.)
At very least then, sponsors function as vestigial witnesses to the nature of Christian discipleship. Baptism is not simply a “get it over with” sort of thing, like a child’s first vaccination. It is the beginning of a life of commitment to Christ and of striving for holiness. The presence of sponsors reveals that something is required of the candidate after the service is all over, and that this requirement is life-long. Baptism is thus like enrollment in school—the process of enrollment is important, but it is essentially meaningless unless one follows it up by actually going to school, attending classes, studying, and taking exams. Enrollment in school looks forward to the day of graduation; baptism looks forward to the day when we die and step into the Kingdom. Auntie Sophie and Uncle Walter stand by as sponsors and point the little candidate to that final and glorious day.
The Church: A Body in Motion
(Sts. Peter and Paul, Evangelism and the Life of the Church)Archpriest Daniel Kovalak
“With what garlands of praise shall we crown Peter and Paul, the greatest among the heralds of the word of God, distinct in their person but one in spirit. The one, the chief ruler of the Apostles; the other who labored more than the rest. Christ our God fittingly crowned them with immortal glory, for He alone possesses great mercy” [Vespers, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul].
How wonderfully the feast of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29) fits into the liturgical scheme of our Holy Church as yet another manifestation of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. These two great pillars of the Church offer us significantly more practical wisdom than we imagine. The confession of Peter—that Jesus is “truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God”—is the rock of faith upon which the Church is built. And the perils of Paul, wherein he came to rely totally on the sufficiency of God’s grace, is something for all of us to consider.
But in addition to their individual lives and struggles as recounted in the festal readings, it is their combined witness and testimony from which we can learn a great deal.
We’ve probably all heard of Sir Isaac Newton, the 17th century English mathematician who, among other things, formulated the laws of gravity and motion. In doing so, Newton coined two words to describe the forces of motion: centripetal and centrifugal. Centripetal force is what keeps things down on earth though the planet revolves at incredible speed. Centrifugal force moves things away from a center point—like going around a curve on a roller coaster and your body is forced toward the outside. Can’t we see these ‘forces of motion’ wonderfully illustrated in the persons of Peter and Paul?
Peter, as seen in his epistles, was always encouraging the early Church and Christians in the Roman diaspora to maintain unity within a hostile environment. He instructed Christians to band and keep together, regardless of the distance that separated them, in order to bear witness to Christ. “Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8). Peter was a centripetal force for the Church.
Paul, on the other hand, was the missionary apostle; the centrifugal force of the Church that challenged her, and led the challenge, to expand her mission to include the Gentiles: “...I am eager to preach the Gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:15-16).
Do you see the wisdom here? The Church was, is and must always be ‘a Body in motion;’ living and active, never stagnant. And the forces of motion and perfectly exemplified, respectfully, by Peter and Paul. Without the centripetal force of Peter, the Church would have become little more than loosely connected groups ‘doing their own thing’ with no cohesiveness or foundation upon which to build in a unified manner. And without the centrifugal force of Paul, the Church would have remained a relatively small Jewish sect in Palestine. The Church needed both of these ‘forces’ to implement the great Commission of Our Lord to teach and baptize all nations!
In like manner, we—as individuals and members of parish communities—need to practically apply these same forces of motion today. Our lives must be centered on Jesus Christ, anchored in intimate communion with Him Who alone is the Source of our being and the Author of our Salvation. We need centripetal force to keep us grounded in faith as we go about our daily activities and face the trials and tribulations of life. And the Church wonderfully provides this in her worship, sacraments, and ascetic life. But we also need the centrifugal force that ‘moves’ us to adapt to changing circumstances and relationships, helps us to gain new insights into God’s love for us, and share our faith with others!
The laws of motion are also important for practical administrative purposes within the Church. Every parish must recognize two types of goals in its collective life: maintenance and growth. We must be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us and concerned with the welfare of our parishioners. But we must also be willing to adapt, expand and widen our scope to fulfill our function as the Church to ‘teach all nations’.
May we learn from the example of Peter and Paul of the diversity of spiritual gifts within the Church that, though they may not always reflect uniformity, nevertheless serve a common purpose: to reveal, manifest and announce the living God that all may know Him and love Him as we do, and keep the Body of Christ ‘in motion’!