The Land of the Free

by Fr. Lawrence Farley From my happy home north of the forty-ninth parallel, I look southwards with appreciation for the American vision of freedom. The American national anthem says it well: its star-spangled flag waves over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Anyone that has labored under political tyranny, whether in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, or other regimes that took draconian steps to curtail the freedom of its citizens, can easily appreciate the American vision as well.

Certainly all the disciples of Jesus Christ can appreciate and love freedom. In a sense, the Gospel is all about freedom—so much so that certain books about the life of St. Paul highlight this aspect of the Gospel. Books bearing the title, “Paul, Apostle of Liberty” (by Richard Longenecker), or “Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free” (by F.F. Bruce) testify to this centrality of freedom in the life of the Christian. St. Paul himself writes that this freedom is both the goal of the Christian life, and also the proof that the Spirit is at work. In Galatians 5:1 he says, “For freedom Christ has set us free”, and in 2 Cor. 3:17 he affirms, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Any preacher of this Gospel will cry out, “Let freedom ring!” The Church might even be described as “the land of the free.”

Freedom, however, is not simply a political reality. It is a spiritual one as well. Moreover, the spiritual aspect of freedom transcends and transforms the political aspect. Take, for example, St. Paul’s teaching about slavery in 1 Cor 7:20-22.  In this passage St. Paul urges his readers not to worry about the state they found themselves in when they were baptized—including the state of slavery. None of these external things mattered ultimately. If they were circumcised, that didn’t matter. If they were uncircumcised, that also didn’t matter. And if they were slaves (as many of them were), that didn’t matter either. Slavery, for St. Paul, was primarily a matter of the heart, a spiritual condition, and whether or not one was externally a slave was largely irrelevant to one’s spiritual progress and inner life. If one was externally a slave, one was still a freedman of the Lord. If one was externally free, one was still the slave of Christ. Concepts of external slavery or freedom thus had been radically relativized. What really and eternally mattered was whether or not was one a Christian—whether or not there was freedom in the inner heart. The outer condition would one day pass away. Only the internal condition would abide eternally.

This was not simply the approach of St. Paul. The apostle here simply echoed the teaching of his Lord. In John 8:31f, we read that Christ spoke to those who outwardly had become His disciples and who had given Him a hearing, and He told them that the truth would set them free. They took this very badly (perhaps because they were smarting under the Roman yoke, and yearned for liberty from such external slavery and tyranny), and they said, “We are descendants of Abraham, and have never been in slavery to anyone.” Christ responded that they were indeed slaves even so. He said, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not continue in the house for ever; the son continues for ever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Here we learn that true freedom depends ultimately not upon the political reality in which one finds oneself, but rather upon the state of one’s heart. Rome, or Nazi Germany, or Soviet Russia might oppress and enslave the body. If Christ has liberated us from the power of sin, we remain free nonetheless. The opposite is also true: if Christ has not liberated us from sin, then we remain slaves, whether or not we enjoy political freedom. True freedom therefore depends not upon one’s external condition, but upon the inner condition of the heart.

This truth presents a challenge to America, Canada, and to the political west, for it poses the question, “Are we truly free?” Enjoying unencumbered and free elections, enjoying the liberty to protest the decisions of one’s government, and enjoying the freedom of the Press to write according to conscience and desire, these are all good things. But they do not constitute the essence of freedom. True freedom is not political, but spiritual, and it consists first and foremost in freedom from the chains of sin. In many ways, we in the west are not free from these chains.

Consider the spiritual state of the west as a whole: we are the most affluent of nations, consuming far more per capita of the world’s resources than anyone else, and suggestions that we curb our rate of consumption often produce indignation—a clear sign that we are slaves to our appetites. The west consumes most of the pornography produced—a multi-million-dollar industry. At home, we slaughter our unborn at a horrific rate, and jealously guard this practice as if it were a human right. Drug addiction and the crime associated with it flourish and grow unchecked. Our streets are violent places, and this violence continues to escalate. Even our schools suffer violence, and children go there carrying weapons. The west might be the home of the brave, but as a culture we still wear the chains of sin, and chains are no less real for being invisible. As a culture, we have departed from God, and have found that this departure does not produce inner liberation but slavery.

This is hardly surprising, for only Jesus can give real freedom. Only Jesus can free us from bondage and guilt and the power of sin. Only Jesus can break the chains of addiction and selfishness. If those in America and the west remain bound by these fetters, they do not live in the land of free. True liberty only comes with the righteousness and the spiritual power bestowed by Christ. He alone makes us dwell in the land of the free. Let freedom ring. Let all people everywhere run to Christ our liberator. He alone can strike off our chains, and bestow the glorious liberty of the children of God.


(Fr. Lawrence Farley, converted to Orthodoxy in 1985 and then studied at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania.  After ordination he traveled to Surrey, B.C. to begin a new mission under the OCA, St. Herman of Alaska Church.  Fr. Lawrence is the author of a number of books concerned with Orthodox Christianity and is a regular contributor to the OCA website.)

“All My Angels Praised Me!”

(The Bodiless Powers of Heaven according to Tradition)

by Archpriest Steven Kostoff

Recently, I was speaking with one of our parish’s Church School teachers about the nature of angels and how we convey this to our children. One of our first tasks, I believe, is to overcome the caricature that has developed over the centuries over the appearance and role of angels. (Do adults also need to be liberated from this same caricature?)

That caricature imagines angels to be puffy and fluffy “cherubs” that are basically rosy-cheeked floating babies. Cupid-like, they carry bows and arrows that appear harmless enough. They are often naked, but at times they appear to be covered in what can only be described as a celestial diaper. How these Hallmark card fantasies, based on Renaissance and Baroque-era deviations from the sacred and profound iconography of the earlier centuries both West and East, can be associated with the “Lord of Sabaoth” and the celestial hierarchy of angels that surround the throne of God with their unceasing chant of “Holy, Holy, Holy!” is something of an unfortunate mystery.

The Scriptures and the Holy Fathers only describe powerful celestial beings that serve God and fulfill His will for the well-being of the human race and our salvation. Angels are not eternal or immortal by nature. They are creatures, coming forth from the creative Word of God perfected by His Spirit. Saint Basil the Great teaches that angels were created before the visible world, based on Job 38:7 – “When the Stars were made, all my angels praised me with a loud voice.” These genderless beings are described by Saint Gregory the Theologian as “a second light, an effusion or participation in God, in the primal light.” And whenever a human being is visited by an angel and receives this heavenly messenger’s revelation, his or her first impulse is to bow down and worship this celestial visitor as a divine being! Warm and fuzzy feelings with any impulse toward cuddling and kissing are hardly implied in the biblical texts. Actually, our use of the term “angel” – based on the Greek angelos or “messenger”—is a generic term used to describe all of the many kinds of heavenly hosts described and named in the Scriptures. In fact, this celestial hierarchy, according to Saint Dionysios the Areopagite, is comprised of a triad of ranks, three angelic orders in each rank. The names are scriptural, but the triads have been conceived of by Saint Dionysios:

  • First Rank: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones
  • Second Rank: Authorities, Dominions, Powers
  • Third Rank: Principalities, Angels, Archangels

This structuring of the celestial hierarchy has had an enormous influence on the angelology of the Church.

Actually, Saint John Chrysostom tells us that even these names and “classes” do not exhaust the heavenly ranks of angelic beings. “There are innumerable other kinds and an unimaginable multitude of classes, for which no words can be adequate to express,” he writes. “From this we see that there are certain names which will be known then, but are now unknown.”

With his great ability to summarize and synthesize the Church’s living Tradition, Saint John of Damascus (+749) gives us this description of what an angel actually is in his Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. “An angel, then, is a noetical essence, perpetually in motion, with a free will, incorporeal, subject to God, having obtained by grace an immortal nature. The Creator alone knows the form and limitation of its essence.”

I hope that even this very brief description of the true nature of the bodiless hosts of heaven – based on the Scriptures and the Fathers – will restore a genuine sense of awe and veneration before these incredible beings that only further amaze us with the creative power, energy and will of God.

(Father Steven Kostoff is the rector of Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. He is also a member of the adjunct faculty of the theology department at Xavier University in Cincinnati, where he has taught various courses on Orthodox theology).

Let God Arise

Archpriest Daniel Kovalak

“If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14).

In God’s “strategic plan” for the life of the world and its salvation, He decisively intervened, in Person, “trampling down death by death.” In the radiant light of Jesus’ glorious resurrection, darkness is overcome, creation is renewed, disappointment and despair no longer have the final word, sorrow is turned to joy and death has lost its sting. There is hope for all because Our God lives!

In his youth, the popular Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis, boastfully declared his belief in no religion, saying they were all myths created by man. Years later, as he considered the implications of Christ’s resurrection, he experienced a heartfelt conversion. In a reflection entitled Surprised by Joy, he wrote, “No word in my vocabulary expressed deeper hatred than the word interference. But Christianity placed at the center what then seemed to me a ‘transcendental Interferer.’ There was no region even in the innermost depth of one’s soul which one could surround with a barbed wire fence and guard with a notice: ‘No Admittance.’ And that was what I wanted; some area, however small, of which I could say to all other beings, ‘This is my business and mine only.’”

Here, Lewis expresses the sentiments of many today which are seldom spoken.  We all want to feel independent, safe and secure in ourselves; to fence ourselves in and say to others and even to God, “Back off! Don’t bother me. Leave me alone.” Indeed, we have the right to say this.

But our crucified and risen Lord—the “Transcendental Interferer”—also has the right to step into our human situations, relationships, circumstances, schedules and plans to pursue us with His divine Love and persistent mercy. As He says to the self-satisfied Church of Laodicea, so He says to us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelations 3:20).

Are we willing to open the door and invite into every aspect of our lives Him Who is incessantly knocking, knowing full well His Almighty presence will “rock our worlds,” challenge our status quos, and interfere with our personal agendas?

After Our Lord raised His friend Lazarus from the dead, His critics posed a significant question to one other: “What shall we do, for this Man works many signs?” (John 11:47). This is a question with which every generation—indeed every soul—must wrestle. How do we welcome and respond to “this Man;” this “Transcendental Interferer?”

The early Church knew exactly what to do! Not only did they invite the Knocking Christ to fully enter and transform their personal lives, but as the new “Body of Christ,” they proceeded to preach, teach and invite all to do likewise. And their enthusiastic and resolute conviction bore amazing fruit; the Lord multiplied the believers and added to the Church, daily. So persuasive and convincing was the testimony and living witness of the apostles that they were accused of “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).

This is the faith we must each rediscover and apply to our busy lives and troubled times—the Paschal faith that rolls away the stones from our self-imposed tombs and shouts with David, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.” This is the faith that responds eagerly and joyously to the incessant knocking of the Transcendental Interferer and opens the door to His Divine Love and persistent mercy.

By His abundant and amazing grace, the Risen Lord is still knocking. He stands ready to fill us with faith, light, hope, forgiveness, mercy and love—to interfere in our lives in wonderful and extraordinary ways—if we but open the door!

“Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Peter 1:3-4).

(Archpriest Daniel is rector of Holy Cross Church, Williamsport, PA, a Missionary, an Instructor at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary, and a frequent contributor to many publications).

The Symphony of Lent

Archpriest Daniel Kovalak

Having had the opportunity to sing an operetta with the local symphony orchestra, it’s remarkable to me how wonderfully our Orthodox liturgical progression from Pre-Lent to Lent to Holy Week to Pascha not only presents “the greatest story ever told,” but also resembles the performance of a musical masterpiece.

I recall how at one rehearsal the conductor, abruptly bringing all to full stop, angrily tapped his baton, stomped his foot and shouted, “You’re not following me! The score says lentando!”  Lentando means “to make slow;” slowing down the music’s tempo to create a reflective, contemplative, even solemn mood.  This is especially employed in operas to build and enhance the personality and disposition of characters and to give the audience glimpses into their respective life struggles and inner conflicts that will be brought to bear as the story unfolds.

That’s pretty much “lent,” isn’t it?!  Time to slow down, to adjust the tempo of our daily lives from the hectic pace that consumes us to a more contemplative one that incites inner reflection and self-awareness. It’s a time to earnestly reflect on our character: what makes us tick, what lifts us up and what drags us down.  The mood created by our extra services, their somberness and solemnity, complemented by the readings, hymns, movements, commemorations and participation in confession reveal our desperate need for some serious “lentando” in our lives.

Lentando, however, is not stagnant but dynamic. It lays a foundation upon which to build, paving the way for something to come. In musical terms, it’s normally followed by a variation of “andante calmo,” literally “walking calmly.”  Having manifested traits of the characters by slowing to a reasonable, manageable tempo, the piece now assumes and maintains a pace that allows the story to unfold.

The early weeks of Lent likewise assume we have hit our stride, that our pre-lenten instruction has adequately prepared us to adopt a certain rhythm, especially of prayer and fasting. And whereas Forgiveness Sunday Vespers directs us to “begin the fast with joy,” our now “walking calmly” includes “allegretto” as well—a tinge of joyfulness.

By the third week of Lent, when the precious Cross of Our Lord is planted in our midst, our musical score is marked “poco a poco accelerando”—to accelerate, to pick up the pace little by little, not just for the thrill of speed but because our desired destination is slowly coming into view.

When the music accelerates, it’s taking you somewhere; there’s a “crescendo”—a “growing”—to emphasize an imminent crucial point of the story it seeks to tell. Crescendo is a movement toward a point that prepares the audience to experience and embrace the climax of the story, with voices and orchestra collectively manifesting their individual talents at optimal levels to “bring the story home.” Jesus weeping at the tomb of Lazarus, only to call him to come forth after four days represents, at least to me, a great crescendo!

Each day of Holy Week represents “a symphony within the symphony.”  Like acts of a play, each building upon the one before, they’d be musically-marked “presto;” literally meaning “very fast,” but more appropriately “ready.”  Everything to this point of the symphony has been preparing the audience not merely to passively observe, but “enter into” the story’s summit.  All the variations in tempo, dynamics and mood; the array of sounds produced by combinations of instruments and voices; the musicians fully offering themselves in sacrificial service to achieve the desired end-result—all resources have been brought to bear and now stand ready to deliver “the message;” to the experience of its zenith.

There are many musical terms to be considered in reference to Great and Holy Pascha. My choice would be “vivace”—“vivacious”—joyously unrestrained, enthusiastic, exuberant, lively! That’s a pretty good word to describe our celebration of the glorious resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! If after progressing through the various stages, movements and elements of the score you arrive at the end and cannot muster some serious “vivace” at the proclamation of “Christ is Risen,” you just haven’t been listening at all.

The world continues its insanity at a frantic pace, with no storyline, truth, morality or particular destination in mind.  So many threatening and horrific events occurring these days are merely the latest, tragic reminders of the frailty and fallenness of the world.  But the symphony of Lent draws us into the premier masterpiece of God’s mission “for the life of the world and its salvation.”

(Archpriest Daniel is rector of Holy Cross Church, Williamsport, PA.)


The Lenten Observance

Archbishop Dmitri On Sunday, January 29, Orthodox Christians entered a four-week season of Pre-Lent, to prepare themselves for a spiritually rewarding time of year:  the Great Fast.  In anticipation, we offer the following article from His Eminence Archbishop Dmitri.  The Great Fast begins this year on Sunday evening, February 26.

In the not too distant past, a minister of one of the denominations was quoted as saying:  "Almost no one in my Church observes Lent in the traditional way any longer.  The people simply cannot find a place for fasting and self-denial in their current lifestyles. They are, however, attracted by the idea of a period of intensive sharing and helping others.  This is what we are concentrating on in our Church nowadays.  After all, isn't that what Lent is all about?"

It is unfortunately true that what this minister says reflects a very popular attitude.  There is just no place for Lent in the contemporary way of life, so some Churches have seen fit to adapt themselves to the "realities of modern life," skip the "empty ritual observances," and "make the spring preparation for Easter more meaningful" to their people.  These platitudes dominate many discussions of the purpose of Lent.

Still more unfortunate is the acceptance (sometimes without realizing it) by not a few American Orthodox of these notions.  Perhaps in a country like ours where certain religious and semi-religious ideas fill the air, it is natural for people who do not think things through to be carried along by the trends.  This is especially true when what is offered is less demanding.

No one will question the fact that the Orthodox Christian Lenten observance is difficult.  What is prescribed requires almost a super-human effort -- the dietary changes, the cessation of entertainments, the constant call to self-examination, the reminders of our need to turn away from this world and set our sight on God's Kingdom, the injunction to forgive and love even our enemies.  It has little appeal to a society in which self-indulgence is no longer a sinful departure from God's will for man, but a philosophy of life.  Orthodox people are inescapably members of such a society, and being Orthodox not just in name, but conscientiously, is really a deliberate rejection of most of what that society offers.

What is missing from so many discussions of Lent and what is of primary importance in the Orthodox concept, is the idea of repentance.  In fact, the underlying idea of the Great Fast is exactly that, and the ritual observance is nothing more than a sign of it.  By the way, the term Great Fast is still a better name for the period than Lent.  We use the latter term, however, for ease of discussion, for fear that many of our own people would not know what we are talking about if we used the other one.

Actually, by rejecting traditional Lenten disciplines, what society and some of its obedient churches and churchmen are implicitly rejecting is the very idea of repentance, because repentance means a change of mind, of direction, of one's way of life, of values.  These changes which must come from the heart, arise from a conviction that one does not live as God would have him live.  They would not appeal to a self-satisfied and basically self-righteous society.  And a society which is convinced that it is good and has no sin to be sorry for is just that, self-righteous.

The radical change of diet that is called for,  is a sign of a radical change of lifestyle to which the Christian Faith calls us, even if it means running the risk of being 'odd' to those we work and associate with.  The increase in church attendance (during Lent) is an indication of the Christian's longing to be with God, in His house, and with His people.  The sharing with and the helping of others, an enormously important part of the observance, is not just a response to some humanitarian concerns, but a response to Christ's new commandment to love one another.  All of these characteristics of the Fast are intimately bound together and interdependent.  A mere outward observance of these things without the change of heart that they signify, is useless.

The Church is calling her faithful people once again to the observance of the Great Fast.  Nothing has changed.  Even if someone, moved by a false feeling of compassion for the people, should try to 'lighten the load' and make it easier by reducing the requirements, he is fooling himself and those who follow him. The ideal is still the same -- in this world in which we live -- being in it, yet not of it, as the Lord has characterized His followers.  We shall be invited to come back to God, overcome all obstacles so that the One we see is Jesus, to overcome self-righteousness, to repent of our sins against God and against our fellow man, and to make our lives models of self-giving, sharing, and forgiveness.

The Lord's Baptism

Fr. Alexander Schmemann

Water doesn't mean much to us today.  It's one of life's essential comforts, accessible, automatic, cheap.  You turn on the tap and there it is...However, for thousands of years, water was a primary religious symbol, and to understand why this was so we must recover the almost completely extinguished feeling for the cosmos.

To people of the ancient world, water was no less than the symbol of life itself, and of the world as life...Water is truly a precondition for life.  One can go without food for a long time, but without water a person will die very quickly, so we can say that human beings are by nature thirsty beings.  Without water, cleanliness is impossible, so water is also the symbol of cleansing and purity.  Water as life and as purity, but also beauty, power and might, as we see it reflect and absorb, so to speak, the boundless blue sky. All of this describes the perception or experience of water that placed it at the center of religious symbolism.

Go into a church on the eve of Epiphany while the "Great Blessing of Water" is being celebrated.  Listen to the words of the prayers and hymns, pay attention to the rite, and you will feel that there is more here than merely ancient ritual:  it has something to say to us today, just as it did a thousand years ago, about our life and our perpetual and unquenchable thirst for purification, rebirth, renewal...In this celebration water becomes what it was on the first day of Creation, when "the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep;  and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:2).  The words of the service echo this in praise and thanksgiving:  "Great art Thou, O Lord, and marvelous are Thy works, and there are no words which suffice to hymn Thy wonders..."  Once again, a beginning.  Once again, humanity stands before the mystery of existence.  Once again, we experience the world joyfully and we see its beauty and harmony as God's gift.  Once again, we give thanks.  And in this thanksgiving, praise, and joy, we once again become genuine human beings.

The joy of Epiphany is in the recovery of a cosmic experience of the world, of recovering faith that everything, and everyone can always be washed, purified, renewed, reborn, and that regardless how dirty and clouded with mud our life has become, no matter what swamp we might have rolled in, we always have access to a purifying stream of living water, because humanity's thirst for heaven, goodness, perfection and beauty is not dead, nor can it ever die.  Indeed, this thirst alone makes us human beings.  "Great art Thou, O Lord, and marvelous are Thy works, and there are no words which suffice to hymn Thy wonders..." Who said that Christianity is depressing and grim, morbid and sad, and pulls human beings away from life?  Look at the faces of worshippers that night (of Theophany), and see the light and joy that shines as they listen to the psalm thundering its exultation, "The voice of the Lord is upon the waters" (Psalm 29:3), as they watch the priest sprinkling volleys of blessed water throughout the church, and those glittering drops fly as if throughout the whole world, making that world once again a possibility and a promise, the raw material for a mysterious miracle of transformation and transfiguration.  God Himself entered this water in the form of a man; He united Himself not only with humanity, but with all matter, and made all of it a radiant, light-bearing stream flowing toward life and joy.

But none of this can be experienced or sensed without repentance, without a deep change of consciousness, without the conversion of mind and heart, without the ability to see everything in a new light.  This was precisely the repentance John the Baptist preached and which made it possible to see Jesus approaching the river Jordan, and lovingly accept Him as God Himself, who from the beginning of time loved the human race and created the whole world for us as an image of His love, eternity and joy.

The Truth of Christmas

Archpriest Daniel Kovalak

Think not it is of small things you art hearing when you hear of this birth, but rouse up your mind and straightway tremble, being told that God has come upon earth” [Saint John Chrysostom].

Since October, we’ve been incited, with considerable help from corporate America, to think about Christmas.  Store aisles of decorations appeared overnight, urging us to consider how we can create just the right ambiance to adorn and enhance our celebration.  Countless colorful product catalogs and advertising circulars have been filling our physical and virtual mailboxes and newspapers for weeks, encouraging us to think about those “perfect gifts” for those special people in our lives.  Grocery stores have been prodding us to plan impeccable party platters for our holiday entertaining.  And no matter where we go, the sounds of Christmas fill the air; stirring us to persevere in our determined efforts to make this “the best Christmas ever.”

Then, the day arrives: “It’s Christmas!”  It’s now time to experience all the happiness and merriment for which we’ve been preparing for so long, to see our myriad plans come to fruition, to savor the fulfillment of our considerable investments, and to taste the fruits of our labors while feeling the joy we’ve been envisioning for months.

But, to borrow a line from the popular classic, Twas the Night Before Christmas, “and what to our wondering eyes should appear?”  The inflatable Santa in the front yard has succumbed to the elements and deflated, symbolic of how many will feel in coming days.  The recycling bins and trash cans already overflow with the remnants of a season just beginning.  That perfect gift of a power screwdriver, alas, has no power, and if we hear the song, “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” one more time, we’ll sue the radio station for harassment!  Yep, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

In the midst of all the commercialism, relativism—and dare I say paganism—that surrounds us these days, our Holy Church calls us to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in worship, as our living witness to the Truth. What IS the Truth from which all things “Christmassy” flow, the Truth that has become so obscured as to be dissolved amidst the “holiday” wrappings and trappings, the Truth that historically hit the world with such force that its impact literally split time in two?

The Truth lies in our simple three-word greeting: “Christ is Born.”  Though we say this a thousand times, we still fall short in comprehending this profound mystery. We know what it means to be born. The greeting also assumes we know Who Christ is.  Is this a fair assumption?

We know Christ historically. Saint Matthew’s Gospel opens with Jesus’ human genealogy—His “family tree.”  He was a real Person Who lived in real time in a real place.  Even non-believers can’t argue this. We also know Christ theologically.  Our Creed articulates our belief that He is “the Son of God… Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.”  And we certainly know Christ liturgically and sacramentally.  In every Liturgy we intimately “know” Christ “in the breaking of the Bread.” So our Holy Church cannot but bear witness to the Truth of Christ each and every time we gather for worship.

But history and theology can amount to little more than nicely packaged words without practical application. And worship services and sacraments can be little more than pious, ancient and empty rituals if separated from their Divine Source.  The Truth of Jesus Christ is that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father” (John 1:14).

When we spiritually and enthusiastically shout our “Amen” to the Truth of Christ as manifested and announced in the Church, and live by that shout, we truly hear the song of angels, behold the brightness of the star, exercise the humility of the Mother of God, express the wonder of the shepherds, and give Christ the gift of ourselves, more precious than the gifts of the Magi.  This is how we “give flesh” to the Gospel’s words that package the Christmas story. And in this, our joy becomes full, our hearts become glad, our souls rejoice, and our feasting becomes a spiritual banquet at the heavenly table of the everlasting Kingdom of God.

May we not, foolishly, settle for anything less!

(Archpriest Daniel is rector of Holy Cross Church, Williamsport, PA;  Lecturer at St. Tikhon Orthodox Seminary; and a frequent contributor to the Williamsport Sun-Gazette and other publications).

Bishop Alexander - St. Barbara Visit: December 3 - 5

Introduction: We are pleased to announce that on Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4, His Grace the Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Dallas and the South, will make his first pastoral visit to St. Barbara Orthodox Church.   On Monday morning, December 5, a meeting with His Grace at the Church is being planned as well, for the clergy of the South Central (Dallas) Deanery.

Elected by the Holy Synod of Bishops on Tuesday, March 26, 2016 at its Spring Session, Bishop Alexander succeeds His Eminence, the late Archbishop Dmitri, as only the second ruling Bishop of the Diocese since its establishment in 1978.

We all will have an opportunity to receive a blessing from and meet Bishop Alexander on December 3 and 4, in conjunction with the celebration of our Patronal Feast.  It is also possible that we will have a number of visitors joining us for the joyous event. More information will be forthcoming, but as a follow up introduction to Bishop Alexander we offer the following biography posted on the OCA website.

“Bishop Alexander [Golitzin] was born in Burbank, CA in 1948 and was raised at Saint Innocent Church, Tarzana, CA.  He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of California at Berkeley and a Master of Divinity degree from Saint Vladimir’s Seminary.  He spent seven years pursuing doctoral studies at Oxford University in England under His Eminence, Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware].  During this time, he also spent two years in Greece, including one year at Simonos Petras Monastery on Mount Athos.

“After receiving his D.Phil. in 1980, Bishop Alexander returned to the US.  He was ordained to the diaconate in January 1982 and to the priesthood two years later.  In 1986, he was tonsured to monastic orders.  He served OCA missions in northern California and headed the Diocese of the West’s mission committee.

“In 1989, he accepted a position with the Theology Department at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, a position that he left at the end of April 2012.  While teaching at Marquette, he had been attached to Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Milwaukee, WI.  For 22 years, he preached, taught and served at Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, and witnessed to the Gospel and to Orthodox Christian theology at Marquette University.  He helped attract a dozen Orthodox Christian students to doctoral work in theology at Marquette.

“In June 2010, the Bulgarian Diocese initiated a search for a candidate to succeed His Eminence, Archbishop Kirill [Yonchev], who reposed in the Lord in 2007.  In October 2011, the Holy Synod of Bishops elected Archimandrite Alexander as Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese.  He was consecrated to the episcopacy as Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese during a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Saint George Cathedral, Rossford, OH on May 5, 2012.”

Words Concerning Protocol:

When greeting His Grace, before formal conversation takes place, it is traditional to extend one's hands for a blessing (place the right hand in the left), accompanying this gesture with the words, "Master bless."  The Bishop will make the Sign of the Cross, lay his hand in ours, and we then kiss his hand.  In terms of physical movement, receiving a blessing from the Bishop is identical to receiving a blessing from a Priest.

Also, it is proper and customary that prior to the services the faithful be in the Church awaiting the arrival of the Archbishop as our father in Christ. Therefore, we ask that everyone please be in the Nave of the Church before the start of each service that weekend. People bringing food for the Sunday Meal, please arrive at the Church no later than 9:15 am, so that we may all be in the Church before 9:30 am, awaiting the arrival of Bishop Alexander.

Activities During and in Preparation for the Visit:

A reception will be held in honor of His Grace’s visit, following the Sunday Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on December 4.  A sign-up sheet will be placed in the Church hall for people to designate dishes that they can bring.  Looking ahead to Bishop Alexander’s visit, special rehearsals for both the choir and servers will be conducted in preparation.  In addition, special activities are in the planning process for Sunday evening, as well as Monday morning, December 5 with local deanery clergy

We invite all of our friends and members to join us for this very important weekend and to greet our new father in Christ.

The 7th Council: The Place of Councils in the Church

Fr. Basil Zebrun

     On Sunday, October 16, Orthodox Christians will commemorate the Fathers of the 7th and last Ecumenical Council as recognized by the Orthodox Church.  Convened in 787 AD, Nicea II addressed the issue of icons, upholding the traditional practice of icon veneration as an expression of faith in the Incarnate Lord.  St. John of Damascus (675-749 AD) was a main defender of icon use during the 1st period of the iconoclastic controversy.  In his writings he expressed in advance the mind of the Nicean Council, the basic and essential connection between icons and God’s incarnation in the Person of Christ:

     “In former times God, who is without form or body could never be depicted.  But now when God is seen in the flesh conversing with me, I make an image of the God whom I see.  I do not worship matter; I worship the Creator of matter who became matter for my sake, who willed to take His abode in matter; who worked out my salvation through matter.  Never will I cease honoring the matter which wrought my salvation…” (First Apology On Divine Images, 16. Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1980. p. 23).

     As with the case of icons, councils are an important part of Church life, an expression of the Faith.  Their significance is rooted in a Christian understanding of God, as well as in an appreciation for the natural bond that exists between people possessing a common humanity, and most especially for the unity that exists between members of the Body of Christ.  The Bible (Acts 15) records a gathering of the Apostles in Jerusalem, the Church's first council.  It was convened to address the question, “were Christians required to keep the Law of Moses and receive circumcision as a sign of faith?”  From that time forward – especially from the 2nd and 3rd centuries on – Christian leaders have utilized councils repeatedly as venues through which the Body is governed and the Faith articulated.  Historically the Orthodox Church has been called, “The Church of the Seven Councils” a title which refers to the great Ecumenical gatherings of the 4th through 8th centuries.

     Councils have been, and are convened at all levels of Church organization:  from that of the local parish to gatherings of bishops representing Autocephalous Orthodox Churches globally.  In the Orthodox Church in America (O.C.A.) we are accustomed to:  diocesan assemblies, diocesan councils, get-togethers of deanery clergy, parish and parish council meetings, not to mention gatherings of special Church committees and ministry groups.  Every three years the O.C.A. also convenes an All American Council.  Ecumenical Councils however, such as Nicea II, are recognized as the highest legislative bodies of the entire Church, made up of bishops and Church leaders throughout the world.  Ecumenical Councils are concerned generally with teachings, practices, disciplines and ecclesial order affecting the Church universal.

     With these things in mind we may address in more detail the question: “Why is such an importance placed on councils in Orthodoxy?”  The answer is multi-level.  Theologically it stems from an understanding of the Church as an icon (image) of the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit.  The Trinity Itself is Council (if you will), a Community of Divine Persons whose “deliberations” are indicated at the beginning of Scripture: “Let us make man in our own Image, after our Likeness, and let them have dominion…” (Gen. 1:26).  Councils are not simply something that the Church has, the Church is council. Councils are an expression of the Church’s Trinitarian nature” (Ware, Timothy. The Orthodox Church. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1978. pp. 244-245).  To remain true to itself the Church is obliged to convene councils so that its many diverse members may become one community, may express their unity as one people for the glory of God, manifesting the conciliar nature of the Church.

     In addition, the Church – as mentioned earlier – acts through councils because of the natural bond between people, the common humanity shared by all.  Our mutual connectedness leads to the actions of each person affecting everyone else in some measure.  A 17th century poet famously wrote, “no man is an island," words often quoted not only by lovers of literature and poetry, but by theologians as well.  In his work John Donne was essentially expressing a profound Christian belief articulated by St. Paul, that, "we are members of one another" (Eph. 4:25, Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12).  As Christians we therefore seek to serve and to love one another as fellow human beings, as fellow members of the Body, brothers and sisters in Christ through Whom we are intimately united to God and to the neighbor.  Thus, it is only proper and in keeping with who we are – both as human beings and as Christians – that the faithful meet in council to discern the work of the Church.

     As it relates more to Church governance the question of councils is not answered simply in terms of representation. Councils do not exist merely so each person has a voice, or a say in “what goes on.”  As someone once said, “Councils are not merely a religious expression of democracy.”  On each level of Church organization, councils are made up ideally of those gathered in all sincerity to discern the Will of God.  Participants do not seek their own will; nor do they meet in order to secure the will of the people. Typically, the Books of the Gospel are placed at the center of these gatherings reflecting the standards by which councils are governed.  Prayers are offered at the start of each council and the Holy Spirit is invoked as the Guide through Whom Christ is made present and wisdom discerned, so that any decisions will effectively express God’s Will for the Church.  American dioceses and parishes even have general requirements printed in their by-laws for those who may officially participate in assemblies and councils.  The requirements exist because the Church desires that “people of good will” make decisions affecting its life, members who strive to place Jesus Christ as the first priority in their personal lives, and who carry that conviction into the Church’s council chambers.

     Taking all of the above into account, the commemoration on October 16 of the 7th Council held in Nicea gives us much to think about with regard to the place of councils in the Church.  The feast is an important reminder as well of who we are:  i.e. the people of God, bound to one another in Christ, possessing a common humanity, called to live according to the God’s Will, to seek and discern that Will, but to do so not in personal isolation, but within a living context of love and community.  We can recall here, what is chanted at each Liturgy just prior to the Creed.  These words indicate that love is the essential condition for expressing the common Christian Faith:   The priest exclaims: "Let us love one another, that with one mind we may confess,” and the faithful respond:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity, One in essence, and undivided.”

What's in a Name?

Matushka Valerie Zahirsky Chair, Department of Christian Education, OCA

     When the great boxing champion Muhammad Ali died recently, events in his life were reviewed in the media. One of those events was Ali’s public embrace of Islam and his rejection of his birth name, Cassius Marcellus Clay, which he denounced as a “slave name.”

One has to wonder whether Ali really understood what he was rejecting and denouncing. The original Cassius Marcellus Clay was a white Christian, and also such a prominent abolitionist that he endured being shot in the chest, attempted assassination, and mob violence at the hands of those who wanted to preserve slavery. President Lincoln appointed him to the post of Minister to the Court of Saint Petersburg in Russia, and one of his proudest moments in that country was witnessing Tsar Alexander II’s edict emancipating the serfs.

Ali’s grandfather, Herman Heaton Clay, the African-American descendant of slaves, named his son in tribute to Cassius Marcellus Clay. The son passed the name down to his own son, who gave it up in favor of a name honoring the prophet Muhammad.

Our Orthodox Christian faith pays a lot of attention to names. Babies are traditionally given the names of saints, either those on whose feast days they were born or those whose names are part of the family’s history. Someone who enters the faith later in life often takes on the name of a saint. No matter how or why the name is given, it’s a way of encouraging the person who carries it to emulate the saint’s holy qualities.

The names of saints can also encourage us when we remember that even the greatest of them had failings to overcome, as we do. The peace-loving hero of children, Saint Nicholas, was once temporarily stripped of his episcopal office for striking the heretic Arius.

Saints may challenge us to rise to difficult occasions in the same extraordinary ways they did. What creativity and bravery Mother Maria Skobtsova showed during World War II in devising the plan of rescuing children from confinement by getting them out in garbage cans, not to mention remarkable powers of persuasion in convincing the garbage collectors to help her.

It’s a wonderful thing to have the saints always with us as examples, as sources of comfort and guidance. But even those who are not named after saints can look to the people whose names they bear as examples and guides. It’s unfortunate that Muhammad Ali refused to see Cassius Marcellus Clay in that way. Though no model citizen, Clay as an example of courageous insistence on the equality of all people, stands up better than most.

(Matushka Valerie is a graduate of St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary; current Chair of the Department of Christian Education, OCA; past Chair of the Department of Christian Education for the Armenian Orthodox Archdiocese; is the wife of Fr. Michael Zahirsky in Steubenville, Ohio; and has worked in the field of Orthodox Christian Education for over four decades.)