Special Features of the Paschal Midnight Service:
These include: Nocturnes (11:30 pm to 12:00 midnight) celebrated in total darkness with only dim lighting for the choir. Nocturnes is followed by a triple procession around the outside of the Church, a Resurrection Gospel reading and the first announcement of, “Christ is Risen!”
The Paschal Matins then begins, during which the Church is brightly lit and the faithful sing of Christ’s Resurrection in a very joyous manner. Near the end of Matins, the Paschal Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom is read. During the Liturgy of St. John the Gospel from the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel is chanted in several languages, symbolic of the universal character of the Christian Faith. Immediately after the service, food for the Agape Meal is blessed, as well as Pascha (Easter) baskets full of non-fasting foods.
On Sunday afternoon, April 24, from 12:00 noon to about 12:45, we return to the Church to celebrate Resurrection Vespers during which we hear a Gospel reading and more hymns of Christ’s Resurrection. A continuation of the Agape Meal will be enjoyed after Vespers.
Agape Meal and Blessing of Pascha Baskets:
The main Resurrection Service this year will begin Saturday night, April 23, at 11:30 pm and end at approximately 2:30 am on Sunday morning, April 24. Immediately after the service we will enjoy the traditional Agape Paschal Meal. A sign-up sheet will be available in the hall in the near future for people to indicate what non-fasting foods they will be able to bring. Donations are also welcome. We ask that everyone arrive prior to 11:30 so that everything and everyone will be in place for the start of the service, at which time all lights in the building will be turned off.
In addition, after the Midnight Service we will bless Pascha Baskets. Tables will be made available on which to place the baskets. Traditionally these are filled with foods from which people have fasted during Lent: various cheeses and meats, wine, butter, homemade bread, etc. The baskets may also be adorned with Pysanky, ribbons or decorative cloth coverings. Food from the baskets are either shared with others during the Agape Meal and/or are taken home and eaten during Bright Week (the week following Pascha). For more information, please see Fr. Basil.
Bright Week Services:
The week immediately after Pascha is an extended, intense celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection. Although we enjoy a 40-day Paschal season (April 24-June1), the services of Bright Week are uniquely joyous, reflecting the specific tone and spirit of Pascha night. Divine Liturgies and Vespers celebrated during this time are very similar to those of April 24. There is, as well, no fasting during Bright Week. We look forward to celebrating Pascha with all of our Church members and friends.
During Bright Week we will celebrate additional Paschal Liturgies at St. Barbara’s on Tuesday, April 26 (10:00 am), and Thursday, April 28 (10:00 am). Resurrection Vespers will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 27 (7:00 pm). In addition, other Orthodox Churches throughout the Metroplex will celebrate Bright Week services also, as their schedules allow. We invite you to check out their websites and avail yourselves of these opportunities. Christ is Risen!
Holy Week and Early Confessions:
Holy Week begins on April 18 with Pascha celebrated on April 24. We invite all members and friends of St. Barbara’s to set aside this special time for entering the celebration of the central mysteries of our Faith. As announced, since we will be preparing for, and celebrating services each day during Holy Week, we ask that appointments for confessions be made early so that Lenten confessions can be concluded by Palm Sunday, April 17. Thank you.