Announcements August 2022 — St. Barbara Orthodox Church

Announcements August 2022

Library Request

Over the years we have received generous book donations for the Parish Library, and continue to do so. Most books are available for check-out (those on the North Wall of the Library) and we ask that those using the Library please use the card in the jacket of the book, signing it out for 3 weeks, returning the book afterwards, or signing it out for another 3 week period.  In addition, we have a series of reference books (clearly marked on the East Wall of the Library) that may be read in the building itself, but are not for home use.  Your kind attention to these guidelines will help to insure that all of our members and friends have adequate access to reading materials.  Thank you.       

Confession, Workshop, Council & Parents Meeting

This month General Confession will offered on Wednesday, August 17, at 6:00 pm. A Readers Workshop will be held on Sunday, August 21. A Council Meeting will be convened Thursday, August 25, at 6:30 pm.  And a Parents Church School Meeting will be conducted on Sunday, August 28.   

Fall Church School Classes

Sacraments of the Church along with Orthodox Christian Fundamentals will constitute the overarching themes for Church School Classes during the Fall and Spring semesters at St. Barbara’s.  Teachers and youth will review the Seven Major Sacraments of Orthodoxy, as well as: daily rules of prayer, fasting, prostrations, making the sign of the Cross, Confession and participation in the Eucharist, ranks of clergy in Orthodoxy including how to greet a visiting bishop, the priesthood of believers, Christian stewardship, and heavenly intercessors (the patron saint of each Church School student).  Class schedules will follow past models:  once a month on the 2nd Saturday each month, with handouts provided for parents.  Please see Matushka Christine or Fr. Basil for more information. Classes start Saturday, Sept. 10, 4:30 pm


Church School & Parents Meeting, Aug. 28

In anticipation of the upcoming 2022-2023 School Year, we would like to meet with Church School teachers as well as parents on Sunday, August 28, toward the middle of Coffee Hour.  At this meeting the basic principles of our Church School Program will be reviewed, as well as the curriculum to be used during the upcoming months.  We encourage all teachers and parents with Church School aged children to take part in this gathering.  In addition, we will have Church School registration on two consecutive Sundays, August 28 and September 4 after Divine Liturgy.  For more information or clarification please see Matushka Christine Zebrun our Church School Coordinator.  

Greeters Invite

A Greeters Ministry is an important outreach and hospitality arm of any parish. We desire that our own Greeters Ministry continue to be a strength within the parish as it has been over the years. We wish to thank those people who have been serving as greeters, for their warm and friendly efforts. Those who have been Orthodox for a while, or who have visited the Orthodox Church many times, sometimes forget how different and new the Orthodox Faith is to first time visitors.  And not just Orthodoxy in general, but people experience differences from parish to parish. We also tend to forget how important it is to speak with newcomers, providing answers to their many questions, welcoming them to our community. Please see Rdr. Stephen Bodnarchuk for how you can help with this effort.  Experience is not required; only a friendly face and a desire to welcome guests into God's House.   
